Monday, December 20, 2021

Chapter 4 - Time Tunnel - Great Expectations


Chapter 4 - Time Tunnel - Great Expectations

By Toni Walker •

As we moved downstairs to inspect the Egyptian motif wall in the business office, Brownie and Roy Alpert came in the front door. During this time period they were two of the Ad Reps, people who sold advertising in the newspaper. These guys were always happy and laughing. Everything was funny or joyous. They never seemed to take anything too seriously. They both said hi to me as they ambled by disappearing up the stairs toward the newsroom. It was almost as if they couldn’t see Steven or Scott.

“Are you invisible now?” I whispered “I thought I was the only one who was invisible around here.”

“People see what they expect to see. They seem to only see you aione, wonder why,” Steven asked.

“Dad used to play ball with Roy. He would probably knock Roy into next week if he allowed anything to happen to me while I worked here. Roy was a bit of a player back then. That was before he was married.”

“Interesting,” Scott muttered. That word seemed to have a ton more meaning behind it than he was allowing Steven to understand. He knew I was catching his thought train that I called ‘His Drift.’

“There was never anything between us. He was too old for me,” I said. “Plus, Dad would have lost it if anything happened there.”

“I think Scott is saying you protest too much. He’s too old the other one is too young (no one in this time period, fyi). Not everything is like Goldilocks. It doesn’t always have to be just right. Maybe you need to accept what is right for you right now and let God lead you to where that right place is.”

I sighed. I knew he was right. I have always been hampered by the rules. Lately, I’ve been telling myself I am a rebel. Look at me go! I laugh at myself. It’s funny. It makes me smile. It helps me break through the blocks that restrict me.

The three of us scour the Egyptian image for a trident and don’t find one. I thought it was weird that they would put a Greek or Roman symbol in an Egyptian piece of art. Since I thought that image an odd choice, I wondered about what else it could be earlier before my journey to the past. I figured an ankh would be a very similar symbol. Sort of like a trident but not really the same. That symbol is an easy one to locate.

“Let’s try this,” I say. I imagine the tunnel and my general destination as I push the motif. I sigh.

“Nothing, huh?”

“Maybe it needs a magic word like Abracadabra,” MarkATT says in my mind. I try that and still nothing. I do have another idea for a word but it seems too simple to work. I try it anyway.

“Sentinel,” I say. The portal opens and we all gasp.

“Will wonders never cease,” Steven proclaims.

I hear that phrase constantly in my pendulum board and always attribute it to my Great Aunt Pootie. I guess ‘wonderful’ is someone else’s favorite word too.

“No doubt,” Steven says silently to me.

I laugh. “Wow. Mind reading too. You are a real wonder boy.”

“That’s wonder man to you,” he says and Scott eyes us curiously. We smile at each other. We’re being silly but I have to admit this is probably the most centered I have felt in ages.

“We ready to go?” Scott asks. “No telling how long these portals stay open. Where to?”

“Thomas Jefferson-ville or Bust. Apparently, he is helping Trump write a new constitution for the new republic he is creating. The man forgets you just can’t take a man out of his time period. We need to find him and put him back in place before the world really goes to crap. The last few years have been a reflection of Thomas Jefferson being missing in time. Plus, I want someone I trust to look at all the fine print. I have a bad feeling this constitution could bite us if someone slips something unforeseen into the mix.”

I set my intention for the portal to help me locate the third president Thomas Jeffesoin in time. I want it to take me as close to the time period when he vanishes from time as possible while still giving me time to find him.

I take a breath, squeeze Steven’s hand and then step through.

As soon as I am through the portal it closes leaving Steven and Scott looking art the motif wall. They both stand there in shock for a moment.

“What just happened,” Steven says. His heart races as he steps into action. “Scott, get your bug army to analyze that portal and see where she went. I’ll call the KF (Knights Foundation). We need to find another way to meet her there. I am not losing her again.”

Scott quirks an eyebrow. “Again?”

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s get to work.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chapter 3: Time Tunnel - Surprising Revelations


Chapter 3: Time Tunnel - Surprising Revelations

By Toni Walker •

As I related my latest insights to Steven and Scott, Scott sent a message to his energetic bug army through his cool Inspector Gadget/Dick Tracy watch to find out more details about my insights. I have been a bit, okay a lot, infiltrated lately and my prophetic thoughts sometimes come out really wonky but usually along the right lines. Characters may switch out here and there but the basic theme is usually correct. The Deep State, those bad seeds, like to switch things up but keep them basically the same.

“They’ll get back to me soon. It won’t be long,” Scott said.

“James?” Steven wondered. “Now that is truly surprising. I never would have suspected.”

Scott’s watch buzzed and he took in the intel quickly. “Signs are pointing to you being right, ToeKnee. The Pinkerton Boys are all up in arms. Bill Letters will probably poke his head in here and give you an update.”

“So, I might need to put my history hunt on hold.”

“God G’s got this, ToeKnee. You can’t always pick up the pieces when others fail. They need to learn their own lessons. God G is holding your spot while you search for answers and together you will rebuild your McFee God Hierarchy Tree.”

How could I tell Steven or Scott that I was questioning my Dad G’s ability to sit atop my God Tree. He had a hand in manipulating my earthbound persona along with Ron-E. I couldn’t understand why they kept changing the destiny of the Earth Bound Me. Was this in order to ultimately manipulate me, the higher aspect in the Heavenlies?

I am now totally questioning the insights I received about James and wonder what is really going on here and why am I seeing Ron-E trying to erase me from history? Earlier I had gotten insight that Ron-E wanted to replace me with Hailey and that she was a clone of me who had not been manipulated by the Deep State. I internally laugh. The Deep State messes with everyone. Why they think she is clean and free of manipulation is beyond me right now.

I understand they want the prettier and younger version of me, I get it. But this gal won’t have all my experience. I am gaining new powers every day. So, if the prettier one is what they prefer, I say go for it. But one day I know they will need to come to me for help and I won’t even be able to see them anymore. Universal God G is opening new doors for me so I can level up and meet new people who will resonate with me.

We walk into an office near the newsroom and see two people embracing on the couch. Definitely breaking news going on here. Scott arches an eyebrow and nods toward Wade Osborne, the noir photo guy, off in the corner kissing a girl who strangely enough looks just like me. At least, what I looked like back then. I scoot closer to Scott and whisper.

“That is so not me.”

He chuckled. “KInda figured.”

I waved my hand over the couple as if I had the power to release the cloaking spell covering them. And heck if it didn’t work. I clap to myself. Yay. New power discovered. The small reality illusion snapped and there sat Missy Pierce locking lips with Wade while Dawn Keaggey stood beside them invoking the spell.

Dawn glanced up at us and cringed. Caught in the act. Back then it was probably easier to invoke a spell like this. No one knew about these things yet. Dawn put a hand on Missy’s shoulder and she waved her off enjoying her lip locking experience. Wade pulled back and gasped as he looked down and saw who he had really been kissing.

“Who are you?” he asked her, stumbling over his words and stepping behind the three of us.

“This is Missy,” Dawn proclaimed. “A news reporter just fresh out of college.”

“But I thought…” Wade looked at me, his eyes locked with mine. Now that Steven, Scott and I were back in time, all three of us appeared like we did back then.

“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered trying to soothe Wade and make the experience a little less jarring. Wade seemed to calm down. But Dawn knew an adversary when she met one. This had to be why I had so much trouble with her in the past. She glared at me with an icy vengeance.

The two women marched out of the room and the energy quieted. “Wow, that was intense,” Seven said.

“This makes sense. I always wondered why Wade never saw me back then,” I said.

“What do you mean, never saw you? We talk all the time.” Wade was shocked when I shook my head. “We were never friends and I don’t think I ever spoke to you except when Harry was there with us.”

Wade looked perplexed at the way I was speaking.

Steven explained, trying to get Wade's mind out of its knot. “You are living the time period. We are visiting,” He pointed to himself and Scott. “And ToeKnee is remembering or reliving in order to gain insight.”

I turned to Steven. “I think this is one of the things I needed to learn. How even normal citizens were invoking spells like this in order to gain what they want.”

Steven grabbed my hand and I could feel his comfort come straight through to my heart. “We’re on our way, then. The time tunnel will open for us now. Where do we go, ToeKnee?”

“There is supposedly a trident motif in the Egyptian wall down in the business office. Not sure why. Tridents are Roman or Greek. One tunnel is there. The other my earthbound dad was telling me how he went to this area as a paperboy to fold his newspapers before delivery. The other is around there somewhere.”

“I guess we’re on a tunnel hunt now,” Scott proclaimed with a laugh. “Let’s go!”

Monday, December 13, 2021

Chapter 2: Time Tunnel - History Lessons - My Past Revisited


Time Tunnel History Lessons

Chapter 2: My Past Revisited

By Toni Walker •

Wow, my head was throbbing something fierce. Plus my whole body ached as if I had fallen down a flight of stairs and landed on my neck wrong.

“What happened?” I mumbled.

“Oh, thank God you’re awake,” said a voice beside me. The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. “I didn’t think you were ever going to wake up.”

I pried an eye open and stared at him. His image kept morphing back and forth between two images. One was the unknown man in the photo. the other was… The world finally came into focus and so did he. The unknown image melted away and who I saw was a shock. 


“Steven Saintstone at your service.”

“You’re kidding?” I touched his arm just to be sure.

“Nope, it’s me. Surprise!” He helped me to sit up. “I brought you into the editor’s office. Very nice office for the time period.”

I just stared at him. Had I just traveled through time while holding a photo?

“Don’t be mad. Scott and I came to help you with your history hunt. God figurded you needed us. We are your two most trusted allies. We had to let James sit this one out. New intel came forth right before we left and it kinda threw him for a loop. You get your insights directly, so I figure you heard what happened.”

“I feel like my Seeking Sanctuary story is being a bit prophetic.”

“Tell us about it,” Scott said, stepping up behind Steven. James is filling in for DorkCon, as you like to call him. And Martin Steele will assist James until you get back. Honesty, ToeKnee, the guy is freaking out. In your story, Noah left without a word. It happened again but with a bit of a twist.”

“Noah and Hailey? I kind of wondered back then if there was really something going on and I kept second guessing myself.”

“Exactly,” Steven said. “Nick is helping him too. Him and his wife are so regretful they didn’t see the signs. James too. The guy pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes.”

“But Gabe found the fund drain and alerted Caleb. So the church’s money is safe. The Paper’s too.” Scott sat down next to me. “What do you think you need to learn back here?”

“I have an idea, but I’m not certain. It has to do with image manipulation. I keep thinking… what if, for example, Dork thought his wife was really me all this time. How would someone react to that revelation when the spell snapped and who they thought they spent their life with wasn’t the one they actually chose. I have been getting a weird Jax/Dork connection as if they were really the same person and history isn’t what I remember.”

“Where your mind goes sometimes, wow,” Steven muttered.

“I know right? Try living inside this thing.” I tapped my temple. “It’s like playing a continuous, never ending game of VooDoo Castle. Go there, pick up this object, go north and grab a spoon, open a door. It was the original Text Adventure type of game for the VIC20. I think about it from time to time. It makes sense in my brain.”

Sometimes my insights are bang on and sometimes they seem to ripple through the time stream. This mentioning of James has triggered another insight that I'm really not happy about. Disappointed might be a better term for it. 

On Sunday I got the curious impression I was being  pushed out. Stay away seemed to be the mantra I was hearing from them. Go away. Don't come back. It's an odd message to get at church.  I couldn't quite tell where these energetic instructions were coming from. But based on the pastor's sermon and feeling like he was poking at me to enrage the bull, so to speak. I just put up my walls, invoked my current invisible woman status and walked out. I would have liked to have been included in their Christmas singalong that evening, but I didn't want to spend all night explaining why I wasn't asked to sing. All day I was getting the impression, we are putting you out in the cold, get used to it. 

Then the next morning I was getting the distinct impression James was freaked out by Noah and Hailey getting it on. (In retrospect, Noah might have been the one freaked out but I was being sent energetically that it was James to manipulate me.)

I am getting the message James and Hailey want another child and somehow James is unable to make that happen.  Somehow Kara is assisting them making it appear like Hailey was me and manipulating Noah to accomplish their aim. Kind of a creepy and goulash way to get that aim met.

Why would you do something like that to someone you called a friend? Do they not see how this could hinder Noah's possible relationship with me. He may never be able to see me now without seeing that manipulation come to his mind. From my perspective of someone who has waited a long time for love to find her, it is heartbreaking. 

Steven, Scott and I move forward and seek out the other two men in the photo that brought me here hoping to see exactly what I need to learn here before moving on.

Chapter 1 - Time Tunnel - History Lessons - Stepping Back in Personal Time


Time Tunnel - History Lessons

Chapter 1 - Stepping Back in Personal Time

By Toni Walker •

“Moon mission,” yell Stee’s girl’s from the Heavenly portal.

If I look up, off to the right, up in the sky, I see my Irish angel MarkATT whom you can see at anytime on UCMRight internet TV. Mark is watching over Stee’s adopted kids while also tending to the brood of his own.

Mark laughs at me. He is always smiling. Love to have friends that smile so much that you can tell their life is just filled with joy. He says, “Top of the mornin’ to you.”

“Hello to you too,” I smile back at him. The man is super busy keeping the content rolling on his UCMR channel. Our friend, Steve, lovingly called Stee the Helping Hand, is doing all his Christmas fulfillment along with all his other helper elves, many of whom are famous CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) stars just like he is.

“So, I hear you’re going on a moon mission,” he says.

“Yep. Going on a secret mission to uncover hidden truth. I am currently trying to find a time tunnel in the Sentinel. I was going to use the one on the roof but some dork ran away with it.”

“Dork? That his proper name or just a nickname?”

“He’s been gaslighting me for nine months, so I think it has been elevated to proper name status.” You can see that I am purposely not telling you who this person is for reasons that may come up in future episodes.

“So, what are your plans?” Mark asks. “You using your real name or an alias?”

I shrug. “I figure no one is going to believe I am ToeKnee McFee from the Land of Plenty. The thing hasn’t completely manifested yet. So, who would believe me? I am going with an Alias.”

“Back to Faith then?”

“Nope. Trying something new. Cassandra Kain. I had a past life as an oracle who no one believed her insights or prophecies. Thought it might fit.”

“And the last name Kain… that for your brother’s character?”

“Nope. Actually, I have been getting lots of controversial bible insights One is that Able was the bad son, the bully, sound it out… A - Bull. And Cain was the sweet one. You know, sugar cane is sweet. I am seeing the name Kain kind of like I do the name Arthurs. Arthurs are of high moral character, worthy to lead like King Arthur. Kains are where the line of goodness starts. Those who resonate with this line will be deemed Kains. Kind of a convoluted explanation but it works for me.”

“Sounds good. I gotta go. But before I leave, the girls are questioning where in history you are going,” Mark asked, shushing the girls so he could hear me.

“I’m thinking I have something to learn first so I may jump back to my own past first. Wish me luck. I really don’t know what I am doing here. God says go, so here I go. Off on a history hunt. Or maybe just off to see the wizard, not really sure.” I smile and wave.

“Safe travels, ToeKnee.”

The Looney Tunes screen closes on the portal and I am standing alone in the Sentinel wondering where to start looking for the time tunnel.


As I walk to halls of the Sentinel, I am reminded of the many things that had happened there in the past. I am one of those employees who left and then came back years later. My first stint was when I was a kid and fresh out of college in my twenties. I had gone to SIU-E then came back and worked for awhile here and at the Illinois Theatre. Later, I decided my career path and it took me to SIU-C a little south from here.

God is tapping me on the shoulder asking me to tell you about my recent heartache. Not sure why. I have two whole stories about it called Codename Pallas and AKA Deacon. So, basically, I fell for this guy. He wasn’t available and I wasn’t willing to compromise my morals. I just observed him from afar. With my insights and the pendulum board, I got to know a lot about his true character. The pendulum board tended to speak to his subconscious mind, so you can just imagine the type of stuff would get. Sometimes being a necromancer can give you brain freeze. I would take it all too personally and then cry my eyes out. I should have learned to just put that board away, but I am too curious by nature, I guess. I think I just did it to myself, really. I took the board at its word and it tried to crush my spirit.

Basically the guy wasn’t who I thought he was. I could only see his true potential and discounted the board stuff a day or so after it hurt my feelings. I know, glutton for punishment. You don’t need to ream me, I have screamed at myself over the last nine months. Currently, I am standing here wondering if there is really a guy out there for me. My insights tell me yes, wait on God to reveal it. I sigh. Again I wait.

As I look at the photos on the Newspaper’s walls, I am reminded of a time in my past when things didn’t seem so stressful or demanding. I see a picture of Harry. He was the photographer back then. Now people use their cell phones but he had all the cool photo gear any true picture taker would drool over. He looked more like a laid back surfer dude than a hometown Jimmy Olsen. The guy had that sun kissed hair that looked like he had come straight from the surf while humming his favorite Grateful Dead song to himself.

He had a co-hort, Wade Osborne, who came in a little befords the end of my first stint at the NewsPapery. He was quite a one-eighty from Harry. This guy was the negative image to Harry’s positive. Don’t misunderstand me. Harry was blond and Wade was dark haired. Wade looked like he had walked straight out of a 1940’s noir film including the fedora hat. I kid you not. The two of them were just fun to be around. It made my time back then pretty enjoyable.

As I slip into the server room, I notice a photo sticking out from underneath the cabinet with all the microfilm. I think our ace sports reporter Dean Rand is the only person who can actually run the microfilm machine. No lie. The guy has been here forever. A true lifer.

Surprisingly, the photo is of me, my brother-n-law G. Scott Webb, and a guy I can’t seem to recall standing between Wade and Harry. I am not sure how I’ve misplaced the name of this guy in my mind but he does remind me a bit of someone I’ve seen recently around town. He is definitely someone I can see myself getting to know.

Before I put the photo down, I’m suddenly literally energetically pulled into the picture and then my whole world goes black.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Chapter 5 - We’re On A History Hunt


Chapter 5 - We’re On A History Hunt

By Toni Walker •

There has been another great shuffling in the McFee God Tree. God G decided that the ADIC needed a bit of tending to and investigating, you see. So he sent Ron-E in to navigate the fallout and betrayal of HankT and Kim-E. Kim-E who was the previous director of the ADIC, back when it was called Unknown Country. When ToeKnee took over and changed its name, she outed Kim-E and revealed her shocking game. The game was called Pretend, Wait and See. And here is what she did to flummox my Dad, God G.

Back in 1991 or 2, Kim-E had a cash emergency and decided to take my thoughts, soul and memories too. She did this to convince Dad, God G that she was the rightful person to run Unknown Country. Unknown Country delivers the funds to every citizen and special needs, previously it was run buy some pretty bad seeds. For a while she did this scheme on her own, then she realized she really had no control. It took years to figure this out, you see... the fact is Unknown Country runs automatically. Upgrades are built in and the Galactics oversee, anything fishy that might be happening in the offices of the ADIC.

Eventually, she enlisted the help of HankT and together they created this entity called LifeOffCourse. to take their force, of course. Kim-E used this group to steal their lifeforce and help keep herself fulfilled by stealing the heart of HankT who is near divorce. Now she is outed. Now they will see, how Kim-E manipulated them all, including God G.

God G left ToeKnee out in the cold and for years she rode the struggle bus to parts unknown. Then she healed her own heart and sang songs pointing to God’s throne. ToeKnee didn’t know about Unknown Country until one day she saw them (HankT & Kim-E) playing and being giddy on UCMeRight TV. Now Ron-E is going undercover to prove to ToeKnee she was right in outing HankT and Kim-E. Somehow these two keep getting back into the ADIC offices and and bound, causing havoc and hijinks all around.

ToeKnee decided to change her focus and she started to see, getting new insights and wonderings in the hierarchy. So, JT is taking Ron-E’s place, you see? Just in case. Just in case we need him, just in case there is a delay in why Ron-E might not return one day to ToeKnee. Ron-E is a pretender, the best that there is. He can fit in anywhere and make that home his. JC was the same way, you see. He meets each one of us just where we might be.

On another note, I’m sorry to say, Kim-E is now perplexed and in disarray. Without the memories and talents of ToeKnee, her star has sure dropped and her memories scrambled, you see. I guess the moral of the story begins, don’t mess with Mother Nature or her kin.

An interesting thing just happened to me. I connected my brother to Aaron Burr from history. It seems their family is split down the center due to a Hamilton/Burr rivalry.Then the shocking insight came to me, Aaron Burr was really a girl you see. How could that be? The VP of Thomas Jefferson, Prez. Number 3, was indeed Erin Burr, an unknown McFee.

Pretty soon this story is going to merge, you see into a normal type of story with intermittent rhyming scheme called Time Tunnel, you see. Spoiler alert, there is a hidden portal somewhere in the NewsPapery that will lead ToeKnee and cast into a real history mishmash. History is all wrong, we will soon see, when ToeKnee discovers she was once that Prez 3’s VP. And as things unfold, it gets dangerous, you see as Thomas Jefferson disappears from history and we have to find him before all the money is stolen from the US Treasury by an as yet unknown McPhee.

FYI, note from the author, Time Tunnel will become its own story moving forward. Thanks for your patience withme as I do my "messy hair, don't care" type of writing.

Monday, December 06, 2021

Side note 4A: We C U - a bit of a poem for you

We C U

By Toni Walker

We are the Sentinel, the NewsPapery

The real Guardian of the News

The Watchtower of the Community

Sounding and intoning our love and pure views

We are deemed

The True Written One Source

Just consider our team like a

Super news Space Force

We care about you

Our community too

Just know that we have knight’s values

And will never betray you

Just like the knights of old

We venture out in the King’s stead

Protecting the community from 

The bad seeds lurking ahead

We have an amazing reporting team

Where investigations are told

And our VI Production Team have 

Hearts of pure gold

Our motto is to give you 

The news you can use

Our strength is our promise

That your views we won’t refuse

Friday, December 03, 2021

Chapter 4: Welcome to CuriousTEA, NewsPapery’s VI3Ps and Book Lovers Lane


Chapter 4: Welcome to CuriousTEA, NewsPapery’s VI3Ps and Book Lovers Lane

By Toni Walker •

The funny thing about this little rhyme, is that the story unfolds without much of a sign. I change the names and then I will see a story that was previously hidden from me. So, there is this gal Miki, she is a Truther, you see. She goes on the UCMeRight Tube on Patriot’s shows like ScottsOK and MarkATT. Mark phones home a lot. You see, ATT phone home, ha ha. He sure attracts a lot of cool Truthers to he, this enlightened McFee on Truther UCMeRight Internet TV (truth vision). 

Miki has this cool celestial show where she shows how the story of the RevealOurNations goes. She has a star map and plays the story of how the Bible told the moral and key to what would happen at the end of the Bad State’s rule of history. So, I decided to create a real cool shop where Miss Miki could map out her plot to the story of Heaven and the Great Mystery, told through how the planets moved in the Heavenlies.

Here are parts one and two of Miki's videos about Revelations in the constellations. Interesting stuff.

CuriousTEA is what I will call it. Aren’t you curious what Miki will see when she finally takes a true look at our real history. You will get the story of creation plus a whodunit and then solve it. She’ll be right next door to Book Lover’s Lane, where Lois and Parker Case will assist with the game. There will be a NewsPapery edition of Get A Clue, NoteANutCase, Nut of course being the Egyptian god of what we see as outer space.

In this fun edition of Get A Clue, NoteANutCase there will be cards printed out with certain employees to use. Just pick your favorites, they will tell you. You can use people like Mrs Cyan or Magenta Hue, Mr. Black and Old Yeller too. These are the colors the printing press uses to print the paper and get out the news. In addition to that you can pick from InTint, UnShade, NoFade and It’sAProcess, you see. Plus the all time favorite Scarlett Lake McPhee who is the Manager in that wonderful station in the NewsPapery called VI3P.

VI3P is the place where they send the plates to the PressThreePlease (our ImPressArea), plus they create ads they call Cards Of Thanks and In Memories. If you get lost you can always Press Three on any phone and get ToeKnee McFee the BG, who works in VI3P as well as the ADIC. She will respond with these words you see: “Joy Filled Wonderful Counselor here. How may I direct your call?”

Anyone can answer if I’m not there, you see, it will be directly connected to my tier mates in the ADIC. You have Tank, ThomThumb, Bill Letters or MarkATT and be sure I will definitely get back to thee.

I wanted to give you a bit of training on how we achieve this great state in the NewsPapery, where it is always like a vacation, we believe. Here is the NewsPapery’s VI3P Thought Train. It’s our guide for how we communicate from station to station and it's not so insane. Welcome to the heart of the space, it’s a Very Important Papery Production Place. We call it our VI3Ps. Our 3P’s are Please, Promise and Points to. This Points to the fact we want to have a happy and vibrant environment, so we try and please ourselves and promise each other and our clients in any way we can. We say “It’s no problem.” “No problem?” they ask. “Nope. It’s all good. We’re golden.” We design stuff to send to the press so why not design our lives to really impress, and impact others to do the same. This is our VI3P cleverly designed Thought Train.

So back to CuriousTEA. They also keep trinkets and wonders you can see. Those things that can be channeled and given away to your friends or family. You’ll say, I want them to feel my comfort today and Miki will charm things like mood rings or earrings or necklaces and tell it to obey, that wish you wish to convey. This will help out those people whom you want to give a blessing and not to complain, it’s a gift you will never have to explain.

Right next door is Book Lover’s Lane, where work the parents of JT, who you remember is the Mailman in the Land of Plenty. Sometimes he will see a book on the shelf and decide to grab one and share its internal wealth. He knows during his day he will come across someone he is sure, that McFee. He uses his intuition every day, don't you see. As he goes about delivering nudges and little things, hoping they can see exactly what path God is directing them to foresee.

And that’s how it works in the Land of McFee. We ll help each other and try to bless all those under our McFee Tree, the tree we call the McFee God Hierarchy.