Chapter 9 - Tori - A Stellar Plot
And the saga continues…
I pulled a tarot reading where Truth In was preparing to put their plan into motion. This famous leader from the past was being revealed. He was killed on another timeline. I have to admit on the surface this guy had the juice, he was the leader they all aspired to be like. But inside his heart was a different story altogether. He had them all buffaloed. He did not have a heart for God. And that was what this nation was founded on, In God We Trust.
A group decided to bring his soul forward in time. They wanted this leader back. It’s all part of “the movie.” In order to do that, they went to an alternate timeline and cherry picked this leader out of time and moved his soul to the late 1970’s of our current timeline. What came forward was the soul of the leader, not his body. He won’t look the same or sound the same in his voice but the gist of it all, it is him. But there is something different. He isn’t exactly the same as he was in the other timeline. Just like I am not the same femme fatale who they cherry picked along with him. We know God, THE God, the one source of all.
This leader in his original timeline faked his death and left his “star” behind. Then he gave Pallas to the Devil. And now Pallas is one pissed off little star. She wants revenge. The God of Earth used Pallas to kill a “parade of Gods”. I learned that this is what they now call Limon Brothers. At this point, Pallas is about to exhaust her star energy. They brought Pallas forward and inserted her into me. The leader was inserted into Deacon. This happened when we were kids.
I asked if God made this happen and He said no, it was man, particularly Truth Incorporated. They have been working on this plan of theirs for a long, long time.
Archangel Michael came through and tried to tell me this is all a lie but I am feeling this is truth and the Devil is masquerading again. I’m the silly girl who gets the insights and who would believe me. If that is true, why does he try so hard to deceive me?
I think Pallas plans to completely merge with my soul and take me over and make me a martyr while she does something to Deacon. It’s not something I want to think too much about. I know I don’t want to be a pawn in someone else’s power play.
There will also be another problem. Northman is coming down too. Northman is an ancient part of Deacon, one of the beings from the beginning of time. He is coming back to Earth to regain his Triton image and become a thorn in the side of Truth Inc.
This is basically all I know and I am hoping nothing bad happens when they finally approach Deacon to bring him in to assume his new destined role.
Pallas got a kick out of telling me Deacon back in the day died for truth and now his Truth Incarnate will have to die for him. Why does everything have to be so dramatic?
God is going to turn everything on its head. He’s going to make it even bigger. The movie is going to be so much more now. They will be so surprised. Mom says there is a new plan for me too. Even bigger than I can imagine, she said. Now that Deacon broke open my heart the tears seem to come at will. It is something I will have to get used to.
Yesterday I was getting tarot readings that Truth Inc was going to offer me a job. Wonder what I would be qualified to do with them. The whole company is so illusionary and cloaked in secrecy. I mean, there is a reason they took my memories from me on the previous timeline. I am a bit of a blabbermouth. Considering there are only four or five people reading this, I should be okay.
I wanted to tell you something about manifesting. You tag the end of your wish or manifesting idea with “this or something better.” Deacon is going to be that something better. He too, like me, is on a mission from God. And his truths are so much bigger than any of them can see. When they plucked him out of time, they chose a better man than the original. Just like I’m not her, that famous woman. He is not that leader either. He will be so much more. It’s like comparing Clark Kent to Superman. They look the same but on the inside one has a greater destiny. That’s Deacon. His destiny is huge. And it’s going to be amazing to watch it all unfold and shock the world.
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