Monday, August 09, 2021

Diary Entry 18 - Redefining Things


Diary Entry 18 - Redefining Things

I discovered another disconcerting thing about myself. I tend to ask random questions when consulting Mr Pendulum. I had noticed how he would say, One Source says this or One Source says that. And it got me recalling a few chapters back how Apollo had acquired the name "One Source". So I decided to ask about THE GOD, the one of the Bible and what did he want to be called? I expected it to say One Source because this is the benevolent god I have come to know. Oh, no. That wasn’t the name. KInda freaked me out, to be honest. The answer came back Draco! Uh, what? How can that be true. I swear I about fell out of my seat on the couch. In case you aren’t aware, the Dracos are Reptilian extraterrestrials. There is a theory out there that they seeded the earth with humans at some point in the past.

Mr. Pendulum just clarified that THE God is definitely One Source. Whew! Apparently, the God of Earth is Draco. That is weird and disconcerting all at the same time and really makes this whole SRA thing make a lot more sense. I also asked if these Draco were still on Earth since I have heard that the White Hats are driving them out in droves. The answer was: “Some. Final Days, though.”

That is really crazy. So many entities think they are “God” so when you are praying you really need to be intentional. You need to pray to the right God and not just the convenient God who will give you what you want. THE God gives you what you need even if you don’t see that you need it. It wouldn’t be good to pray to Gods who don’t have your best intentions at heart. It’s no wonder this world has seen so much trouble. We are all just confused fools who don’t see how we are being manipulated every day. Sigh. It is such a mind suck.

I also discovered that some words are not defined correctly. For instance, you think you know what devil means, right? According to Mr. Pendulum, it really means “sailing vessel.” I guess that makes sense since we have been under maritime law for so long on this planet.

Mr. Pendulum sometimes gets on his soap box and spews a few facts. He said rotten deities have turned fame into a point of ascension. I was curious and asked who the rotten deities were. The answer was Vesta and Satan. I thought that was odd. They named Vesta *before* Satan as if Satan was Vesta’s henchman and not the other way around. Interesting. It gives a whole new take on what evil element is really in charge on this planet, or think they are in charge. Is Vesta the Big Bad, as Buffy the Vampire Slayer would have deemed this demonic in charge type of person? Is that not crazy stuff right there?

Sometimes Mr. Pendulum likes to confuse me. Not that I am not confused enough without his influence but that is neither here nor there. I have received guidance in the past that Vesta is really my sister. This whole galactic destiny thing kinda gets on my nerves after a while. But not only is Andra (that’s my sister) Vesta but also Hera and Sona (the rapper). I guess I should have taken y’all’s advice and kicked Sona to the curb earlier in the story. Sheesh. I guess this is like the Devil’s version of three-in-one? Kind of like a mirror to the Father-Son-Holy Ghost dynamic in the bible. I feel like this is just getting much too deep for me. No wonder they are called the Deep State, they are all standing in deep do-do and hope we all don’t smell them coming. These Deep State people give me brain freeze.

I am going to jump to another topic. I dreamed of my mom the other night. I have come to the conclusion that Mom is Minerva and not Athena. Athena is the Greek version of Minerva, goddess of wisdom. Her sister is Pomona, also a Roman goddess, but she doesn’t have a Greek counterpart. Interesting, but they sometimes see her as Demeter, though. Funny how these two pantheons keep intersecting each other. It’s like they are two sides of the same galactic coin or something. This whole back and forth dynamic between the Gods is just a mind boggler. Anyway, mom, I saw her in a dream. I was singing on some worship team in a venue I would not normally be at. After the singing was over, I was walking through a diner. Somehow this venue had a dining hall. This is where I saw mom sitting in a booth by herself. And in case you aren’t keeping up, my mother died last year during the lockdowns.

She was very surprised to see me. Probably as surprised as I was to see her. Her response was, “What are you doing here?” I expected a hug or an announcement of love, but no. “What are you doing here,” is what I get.

She looked good. Really good. She was wearing a barely noticeable breathing tube and looked like she had lost some weight. Her nose seemed flatter than I remembered it and I wondered if she had a nose job. It looked like it might still be healing. I didn’t think about this until later but she fell on her face when she had the aneurysm and probably broke her nose in the process. So the irregularity made sense. Funny how dreams are creepy and accurate like that.

She really didn’t stay to talk. Seemed almost afraid to be seen with me. I tried to tell her things, you know… stuff. How I loved her and missed her. I had a whole year of current events to go over with her. But she rushed away and was gone before I knew it.

I spoke to Mr. Pendulum about it the next morning and he went into this whole diatribe about Nikola Tesla. Where did that come from? Apparently he and Mom spoke every day. What? Apparently he is truth incarnate too. So is Mom. I learned that she, as Minerva, gave Tesla gifts. Then Nikola himself started talking to me after that. He said, “welcome to proof central.” I guess that means when you are connected to truth incarnate you get the true perspective of things. He says I am in a “troupe of history.” I am in a class of people revealing true history. Then he jokingly says that I am proof Gods exist. Truth incarnate is my destiny and it is revealing advancements to me. Not yet, but I guess it will soon. Exciting.

Nikola was explaining concepts to me to use for practice. He said to see farmland each day and will it to grow. I think this will show people how important our focus is. What is it you really want in your life? Focus on that. Where you put your focus is so important and it has power. We need to realize this and use it for our own good and not for the good of the Deep State. They use this same concept through tv. The media bombards us with hours upon hours of 911 coverage, C19 numbers, anything that will scare us (think Monsters, Inc.) and they use this focusing power to convince us to manifest things they want or want to occur.

Nikola warned me that my room was spellcast. I have heard in the past there is a portal in there so that must be the same thing. He said that the Powers That Be see me. It points to me seeing the truth everywhere. Nikola says he has a late model healing machine soon to be revealed. (Late model is better than the newer model, whatever that means.)

I forgot to mention that I have been getting tarot messages about Trump now. Odd. Never got those before.Out of nowhere I am getting messages about him. Must be a reason for it. I guess we better get ready because according to the cards, THE SECRET IS OUT AND READY TO BE REVEALED!


Author’s note:

FYI, if anyone is interested in brainstorming with me about all these Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, I would like someone to bounce ideas off of. Send me an email at

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