Chapter 3: Time Tunnel - Surprising Revelations
By Toni Walker •
As I related my latest insights to Steven and Scott, Scott sent a message to his energetic bug army through his cool Inspector Gadget/Dick Tracy watch to find out more details about my insights. I have been a bit, okay a lot, infiltrated lately and my prophetic thoughts sometimes come out really wonky but usually along the right lines. Characters may switch out here and there but the basic theme is usually correct. The Deep State, those bad seeds, like to switch things up but keep them basically the same.
“They’ll get back to me soon. It won’t be long,” Scott said.
“James?” Steven wondered. “Now that is truly surprising. I never would have suspected.”
Scott’s watch buzzed and he took in the intel quickly. “Signs are pointing to you being right, ToeKnee. The Pinkerton Boys are all up in arms. Bill Letters will probably poke his head in here and give you an update.”
“So, I might need to put my history hunt on hold.”
“God G’s got this, ToeKnee. You can’t always pick up the pieces when others fail. They need to learn their own lessons. God G is holding your spot while you search for answers and together you will rebuild your McFee God Hierarchy Tree.”
How could I tell Steven or Scott that I was questioning my Dad G’s ability to sit atop my God Tree. He had a hand in manipulating my earthbound persona along with Ron-E. I couldn’t understand why they kept changing the destiny of the Earth Bound Me. Was this in order to ultimately manipulate me, the higher aspect in the Heavenlies?
I am now totally questioning the insights I received about James and wonder what is really going on here and why am I seeing Ron-E trying to erase me from history? Earlier I had gotten insight that Ron-E wanted to replace me with Hailey and that she was a clone of me who had not been manipulated by the Deep State. I internally laugh. The Deep State messes with everyone. Why they think she is clean and free of manipulation is beyond me right now.
I understand they want the prettier and younger version of me, I get it. But this gal won’t have all my experience. I am gaining new powers every day. So, if the prettier one is what they prefer, I say go for it. But one day I know they will need to come to me for help and I won’t even be able to see them anymore. Universal God G is opening new doors for me so I can level up and meet new people who will resonate with me.
We walk into an office near the newsroom and see two people embracing on the couch. Definitely breaking news going on here. Scott arches an eyebrow and nods toward Wade Osborne, the noir photo guy, off in the corner kissing a girl who strangely enough looks just like me. At least, what I looked like back then. I scoot closer to Scott and whisper.
“That is so not me.”
He chuckled. “KInda figured.”
I waved my hand over the couple as if I had the power to release the cloaking spell covering them. And heck if it didn’t work. I clap to myself. Yay. New power discovered. The small reality illusion snapped and there sat Missy Pierce locking lips with Wade while Dawn Keaggey stood beside them invoking the spell.
Dawn glanced up at us and cringed. Caught in the act. Back then it was probably easier to invoke a spell like this. No one knew about these things yet. Dawn put a hand on Missy’s shoulder and she waved her off enjoying her lip locking experience. Wade pulled back and gasped as he looked down and saw who he had really been kissing.
“Who are you?” he asked her, stumbling over his words and stepping behind the three of us.
“This is Missy,” Dawn proclaimed. “A news reporter just fresh out of college.”
“But I thought…” Wade looked at me, his eyes locked with mine. Now that Steven, Scott and I were back in time, all three of us appeared like we did back then.
“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered trying to soothe Wade and make the experience a little less jarring. Wade seemed to calm down. But Dawn knew an adversary when she met one. This had to be why I had so much trouble with her in the past. She glared at me with an icy vengeance.
The two women marched out of the room and the energy quieted. “Wow, that was intense,” Seven said.
“This makes sense. I always wondered why Wade never saw me back then,” I said.
“What do you mean, never saw you? We talk all the time.” Wade was shocked when I shook my head. “We were never friends and I don’t think I ever spoke to you except when Harry was there with us.”
Wade looked perplexed at the way I was speaking.
Steven explained, trying to get Wade's mind out of its knot. “You are living the time period. We are visiting,” He pointed to himself and Scott. “And ToeKnee is remembering or reliving in order to gain insight.”
I turned to Steven. “I think this is one of the things I needed to learn. How even normal citizens were invoking spells like this in order to gain what they want.”
Steven grabbed my hand and I could feel his comfort come straight through to my heart. “We’re on our way, then. The time tunnel will open for us now. Where do we go, ToeKnee?”
“There is supposedly a trident motif in the Egyptian wall down in the business office. Not sure why. Tridents are Roman or Greek. One tunnel is there. The other my earthbound dad was telling me how he went to this area as a paperboy to fold his newspapers before delivery. The other is around there somewhere.”
“I guess we’re on a tunnel hunt now,” Scott proclaimed with a laugh. “Let’s go!”
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