Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Diary Entry 29 - Sequences and Rituals


Diary Entry 29 - Sequences and Rituals

This morning I had an odd dream, it felt more like a remembrance than an actual dream. I was with a family, I assume my family. This might have been a memory flash from the past. We were out at dawn, the entire family, and we had overcome some sort of hardship that put us all through the ringer. We were there at the water's edge to offer thanks to Father Sky and Mother Earth. Two blonde-headed children waded into the water about to their ankles and one was holding a huge golden cup. The other was grasping a large golden pentacle. They grasped their hands and raised their objects as the sun rose beginning the day. I could feel the peace that this family received by performing this ritual. The objects looked expensive and ceremonial but I wasn’t certain of what religion they were. It felt very nature based.As this ceremony came to an end I got a flash of a very faded portrait of JFK. What would he have to do with this?

I think this is just telling me to be thankful even when nothing at all is going on in your world. Be respectful of your place in the world and who has provided it for you. It reminds me of a bible verse. 

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” -- Hebrews 12: 28-29

I think I received this vision because Mr. Pendulum was telling me to connect to Gaia and learn her secrets. I am still getting that whole slideshow of past lives in my third eye every morning but I seem to be psychically connected to someone for a long period of time during the night. I assume it is Jax. That connection seems to only be getting stronger by the day. Not sure what is going on but something has definitely changed between us lately. Hopefully this means there might be a chance for us in the future. I am crossing my fingers it is a romantic connection but if all he can offer is friendship, I’ll take what I can get. It is not like my heart is looking anywhere else for love.

I thought I’d tell you a bit about the number sequence info I was getting. It might just relate to the tarot because this is where I noticed the sequences. I had gotten 3 different 5 cards in a hand of five cards and thought that might have something to tell me. Then later, I had three 9s sitting right next to one another in a spread. I felt it might mean something significant so I asked about it. Here are what the numbers mean:

  • 1- Opportunities

  • 2 - Fighting

  • 3 - Turn right

  • 4 - Open main pathway

  • 5 - Open doorways

  • 6 - Universal authentic language

  • 7 - You need to pray

  • 8 - Points to importing saving devices

  • 9 - Means rain.

I am not certain this means anything at all but I thought it was interesting. And FYI, it did rain during the period of the reading where I got the 3 nine cards in a row

If you want to know about number sequences, you definitely need to check out Tom Numbers and Negative48. These guys really know their stuff and it is just amazing to listen to. Tom’s YouTube channel is called Psych Club.

Moving on to a harder topic. My story just gets more stupid as the days move forward. I am to the point where I want Calgon to take me away from all the crazy.

I posed the question to Mr Pendulum about dad again. It's always good to get clarity and confirm things. It said my parents were no longer sleeper agents since Russia doesn't use them any more, but they had a history of it. (Yep, it's definitely going there again.) I asked about my siblings. Yep, they were Russian too. How is that even possible? Even my grandma was Russian. My aunt however was an orphan like me.

The freak accident I had when I was ten and fell off a fifteen foot ledge was when they inserted me into the family. Labor Day weekend of '78. Apparently I came via one of my mom's friends that worked at the bank. I still don't understand the whole of it. Okay, you have a family of sleeper agents working in the U.S. awaiting assignments, collecting intel, whatever. That I get. What I don't get is why add me to the mix? I need to dig more into this. Was there a way they could have known about this Waters Royalty connection? Did they know about Pallas?

I did discover that my parents threatened Jax with death if he even tried to continue to see me. How crazy is that? I am to the point here that I feel like I live in Looney tunes land. Has my whole life been a lie? The only thing that seems real was my accidental meeting with Jax at college.

My mind is trying to pick out various ways they could have controlled me. Due to my allergies I rarely went outside and I took medicine most of my grade school life. Was this medicine used to keep me in line? I even had allergy shots at one point for a year. I am kind of horrified right now, not gonna lie.

Having the possibility I might be a God seems tame compared to this. I asked where I came from before I got placed here. SRA was the answer. Not good. Not good at all. 

Oh, and guess what else. My tarot reading said the gods were all coming in for a sort of family reunion. Oh, joy. And Uranus wants to talk to Jax. That should be an interesting story for him to tell his friends. Sheesh.

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