Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Chapter 8: Tori - It's Like Breaking News


Chapter 8: Tori - It's Like Breaking News

I have to go back on what I said yesterday. This whole truth incarnate thing is a real process. I don't have anyone to bounce ideas off of and sometimes I get things mixed up. Turns out it'a Deacon not me. The Jesus. The most high, the one we all aspire to be like. I should have known. It's pretty obvious on the surface. At least to me. Archangel Michael told me I see Deacon like he does. Not sure why everyone can't see it. His energy is magnetic.

You have probably figured out right now this is more than a story, right? Somethings are real while other stuff is made up. It's kinda how I work. It's my thing. It's really helping me keep things straight in my mind and see exactly how much changes in a day or two.

Remember when I spoke about the 'movie' back in Codename Pallas? The Truthers like to say "it's biblical". It's because it truly is. We are living in those times we learned about in Sunday School and just don't know it. So much is hidden. I think sometimes those putting on this movie forget how elusive this stuff is. At least for normal people.  Thus, a lot of people are missing what is really going on. It's too vague. People are too brainwashed. Personally I think they should have taken down mainstream media. That is where a lot of lies are learned.

I have always been very intuitive. And I knew, even as a kid that I could "see the truth." My brother and I would even laugh about it.  So, needless to say, I get a lot of insights. Like this one for example, I know at some point Deacon and I will be together. Today he suddenly came up as single in my tarot reading. First time for that. But I am not sure how any of it will unfold. There are so many factors at play. I wonder if the guy even sleeps. God likes to keep a lot of the finer details to himself just to make life more interesting, I think. And sometimes when you get insights like I do, you question your sanity. I heard last night while sleeping that a co-worker of mine was going to die. What do you do with something like that?

This portal thing (it has a monitor and a viewer and some kind of app for their phones now) is driving me nuts. I am so confused I am questioning whether up is down right now.

I used to just get messages. Now I have both Limon and Truth Inc wanting to speak to me when I try to get guidance. Limon likes to mess with my head and tell me lies. And in the midst of it all, Stu keeps coming in with breaking news. I am beginning to wonder if I am just making this whole portal thing up in my head. I don't know what to believe any more. I put the pendulum board away because I just couldn't deal with it.

Sometimes it all feels like a lie and other times it feels so real, like truth. I am going to get kicked out of the truth incarnate club for sure. My truth radar has been kinda glitchy as of late.

There is this big secret thing underlying everything and I got a glimpse of it yesterday doing gematria. I discovered I am not Russian Royalty. Nope more nonsense by Limon, but it pointed me toward the truth. The underlying truth was that I wa some kind of royalty, just not the royalty I thought. The Waters Royalty is not about the Gods, they are codenames the military uses and assigns to certain people they protect. Pallas does still play a part but at this point I am not sure of anything. It’s all about American Royalty. Hidden American Royalty. I can’t decide how they pulled it off. Time travel? Sorcerer’s stone? Some fantastical thing no one knows about yet? Not sure. No clue. I only know there is a portal in my room where Truth Inc. (good guys) and Limon Bros (bad guys) watch me. I have a protection detail I can't see called Keepers. I have a feeling people are planted in my life all around me but I have no idea why. I know how paranoid this sounds. I am no one special, believe me.

This person I was in the past that is part of this American Royalty was on a different timeline. She was famous. Something I don't aspire to be. She is quite the femme fatale which is probably why I like to write about spy stuff. She did some of that back in the day. One of the last things I received before putting the pendulum away was that this woman turned good men bad. Mr. Pendulum told me that I would turn bad men good. I wonder what that’s all about.

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