Diary Entry 15: Oppressed, Stressed Out and Guarded
Okay, we have a new player in the game, or should I say players -- The Generals! Deacon has briefed his supervisors about my story and apparently they find it a welcome change. Interesting take on it, I guess. Not sure what that means for me, though.
One of my guides, Sona, the rapper, you know, the Devil? He wants me to vet the superiors before trusting them. Not sure how to do that. Maybe that could be his job in the higher realms, vet the Generals because I’m not sure how I would even do that.
But I do know one thing for certain, my story is driving Deacon bonkers. I have been pulling the arguments card for days. Plus last night I pulled the oppressed, stressed out and guarded cards and Mr. Pendulum says they relate to him. It was never my intention to drive him bananas. Remember, triggering people is my superpower. One Source of All says that my superpower is really truth, so I guess it could be that too!
Just FYI, to those Powers That Be who may be reading this. I am just making a majority of this stuff up as I go along. If it is about me, it is probably real, the rest, it’s a toss up. Apparently, I am hitting the nail on the head with my plotline where it concerns the truth of things and that can be disconcerting to people who are in the know. People who are not me.
In case you are interested and are keeping score, I got a new title last night. Knowledge incarnate. Cool, eh? Don’t know what it means but I’ll take it.
God, One Source of All was just really chatty last night and told me to question Deacon and give him the third degree. I couldn’t help but laugh at this. I am so out of the loop I really wouldn’t know what to ask and truthfully, he probably wouldn’t talk to me any way. People who don’t want to talk to me tend to avoid me at all costs. Must be a vibe I put off.
The Generals seem to want to use my story in some way. Not sure how, but the fact that Deacon brought this to their attention has given them a lot of faith in him. In my opinion, this is the type of faith they should have had in him all along, but what do I know?
I am going to jump to a new topic here. Jax. I think the connection between me and him is fading out or someone is blocking it in some way. I get cards from time to time that say the Devil is blocking love overflowing from coming in for me. That is just kinda rude, if you ask me. Who wouldn’t want love overflowing?
I can still feel the connection and he is still in my third eye like an annoying nat but relationships are more than psychic connections, right? I can see him shuffling tarot cards every once in a while. Yesterday he pulled the Sun card which is a card of happiness and success, joy and childlike wonder. Could be just the connection to Truth Inc. and not a connection with me in any way. Jax may limit himself to just providing funding. I had a message awhile back that when the financial reset happens he will be the King of Illinois. News to me. He was never a financial wonderboy, but I am sure he makes good dough at the airline. It’s probably a Deep State connection or something.
Our soulmate/twin flame connection has deteriorated for too long. I think it just wasn’t right for us in this lifetime. His life is up north, mine is here and there is no inbetween. At least, that is what I am telling myself at this point.
In reality there is no me and Deacon either. I mean, he may or may not be my brother, Marcus. That is yet to be seen but my mom came through Mr. Pendulum yesterday and wants me to practice making his favorite soup, Trout and Turnip Soup. I knew she was kidding me. She knows I hate turnips.
This story is basically just a bunch of nonsense thrown together to entertain myself. It doesn’t really have a true purpose or a plotline. Just random things thrown together in story form, sort of like my Familiar Adversary story from years back.
Another subject change. Sorry, I have been writing in spurts.
I pulled a reading this morning and got a real Galactic/ET vibe from it. I don’t usually get that impression from my cards, but there are tarot readers out there who speak of connections like this on YouTube. Here is how I am reading this latest card pull.
Deacon and The Generals are quarrelling. He is having a disagreement with them about something. There is a feeling of regret mixed in with this but the cards aren’t showing that. It is just an impression I am getting. There is a big announcement then a portal opens. It’s like a connection between worlds. A portal connecting to another portal. Reminds me of Stargate and the wormholes they used to get from planet to planet. This connection is to an ET/Galactic thing where these Galactics are managing us or manipulating us, I can’t decide. But these ETs are working with The Generals. Mr. Pendulum says they are good ETs, so that is a relief. But they are the ones who are really in charge of Earth and they want a meeting with me. Jeez! It has to have something to do with the Waters Royalty thing for sure. I thought this nonsense was going away. Nope. It just ramped up. Thanks Deacon.
While I was in bed this morning, I was reminded of something Mr. Pendulum told me awhile back. He was saying how Galactics use us here on earth as a baby farm. I assume these are the bad Galactics. Somehow they energetically impregnate women and let the seed germinate inside them for a short period of time. Then they swoop in and energetically take the babies away to fully develop somewhere else. Sort of like a human baby farm.
I asked how many kids I had in this manner because, hey, a gal is curious. I thought they would say two or three. Nope. Fifty! What?
When I first started doing tarot I would pull oracle cards constantly that spoke about my children and how they were thinking of me or something of the like. I could never figure out why. I don’t have kids. I was never married. Never seemed appropriate.
Remember when we were talking about outer space the other day? I didn’t tell you something else that came out in that pendulum reading. They said that outer space was like a trade route. I asked what did they trade. Babies! They trade these children they “farm” from planet earth and make money selling them.
This is the sort of stuff that gives me migraines.
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