Saturday, September 04, 2021

Chapter 5 - Tori - On a Mission from God


Chapter 5 - Tori - On a Mission From God 

God has really been telling me some truths today. Lots of really weird things are going down. Apparently I am the Divine Counterpart of Deacon. God said there weren't many on this planet, only us. You are just going to have to suspend your disbelief about this.

I am supposed to tell Deacon someone has been lying to him. Lara in particular. Something about his parentage. Whatever it is seemed to waffle around a lot today. Timelines are shifting like crazy. He is not related to me. Never was. Someone is trying to purposely wound him and frankly it is pissing me off. In the beginning of this whole story I had gotten he might be my brother. I realize now the devil was manipulating my readings back then and I am not surprised this got passed me. Back then Deacon wasn't on my radar in any sort of romantic sense. I have a really straight as an arrow idea of who to pursue in that dating arena. Married people are off the table for me.

The devil wanted to make sure we never had a chance to get together. So they planted this idea in my mind. I don't have a lot of people around me to influence my thinking so they manipulated my pendulum readings. Deacon has so many people around him that they could infiltrate any number of them. Think Mr. Smith in the Matrix. There is something going on between Deacon and Kara. I am not sure exactly what it is but his heart is wounded. And that pisses me off more than anything. I am not a cursing person, but this needs to have the extra accent. God was throwing around the idea that there are a lot of clones around him. That is one of those, "I'll believe it when I see it" concepts.

God wants him to know he is an Orphan of God. His father is his father. Lara is lying. Not sure what her purpose is but she needs to keep the heck out of It. God actually used the phrase "risen savior". I know how that sounds, crazy right? First he was telling me Deacon was Simon Peter. God knows Simon Peter is not my favorite. And told me I needed to love all Deacon's hard bits and not just the parts I liked. I understood what he meant. He kept referring to me as Mary during this part of the reading.

I believe in past lives because they make sense in my brain. I never had an idea I was someone famous. I asked which Mary I was. He said Magdalene. Could have knocked me over with a feather. My first thought was, Mary Magdalene and Simon Peter had a thing? God laughed and said he was only trying to make a point about saying he was Peter because I had a hangup about that bible character. 

God then said, no, Deacon is my son. Okay, the feather knocked me over again.

When I have been doing pendulum readings, I am not getting a reading past September 15th. It is like there is nothing there to connect with. An empty point in time. It is like at that moment we are having a planetary Tower moment and anything past that point is hidden. In the back of my mind the word Revelations is rolling around. But I know there is this love ripple wave supposed to happen right then too. I wonder if the whole planet is shifting upward in vibration and that is why I cannot connect to that point in time.

God wanted me to tell Deacon he is real. Not my One Source. But really real. This whole thing with Lara has broken his trust gauge. Been there, lived there. We don't have time for this heart pain. Please pray for Deacon. We are at this important time in history and I feel like this is our Hail Mary play. We all need our heads in the game. We are all manifesting so quickly that it is crazy. Please put your focus on what is good and true and right in your lives. We need to conquer the ones trying to prevent us from ascending. We will do that through love. I know that I love him, probably have ever since that day I saw his resume for the first time and it glowed and God spoke to me. That one, he said. Don't forget that one.

Even if nothing ever happens between us, I will never be able to forget him. He healed my heart. Help me heal his. Love him, God said. And I do.

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