Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Chapter 10 - Tori - The Epiphany & Afterword


Chapter 10 - Tori - The Epiphany & Afterword

While I am doing my tarot reading about being betrayed by Pallas, Jax is on the monitor watching me. Apparently they hired him at Truth Inc. Or maybe it was Limon Brothers, I will never know. And hearing my reading gives him an epiphany, a big vision. He somehow bends the truth and refracts it (Not even sure what that means.) in order to fight for me, the truth teller who is betrayed by the star being. The American Royal family offer me an opportunity and somehow when Pallas and my soul’s merge, the lost little angel, who was already dying, dissolved leaving only me.

Somehow this merging triggers the ripple wave of love and we move into a golden age. No one will really know anything happened. Tomorrow will come just like the day before did, but everything from that point will just get better and better. 

It wasn’t me after all who did the saving. It was Jax. Both of them, really. Jax and Deacon. They were in cahoots together to make great things happen. I told you, I have a good eye for good men. And they saved me while that little bit of star energy left in Pallas saved us all. I was able to channel it to bring out the good instead of the evil. It was the God inside of me that did it really, ushered in this new golden age. 

While the betrayal is happening between Pallas and me, Kimberly Ann Goguen along with the two guys create a sort of smoke screen. (I am not sure of the purpose of this but it is really important.) What it basically does is hide us all while Jax puts his big plan into motion. It’s a big plan, so I can’t tell you what it is. But it causes a huge Tower moment all over the planet which ends the cycle of darkness and the reign of evil on planet earth. The Devil is toast. Then we shift upward, all of us. This brings stability to the planet, and not just us but the whole universe. From that moment we build our foundations on love.

There is a little cameo at the end of this whole shebang. Pallas comes back as an essence, a bit of stardust and explains to me the Devil’s plans. He was really good at manipulating things. Right after she dissolves the last bit of evil leaves the realm.

I am hoping the whole thing ends with a kiss because all good movies have a kiss and a happily ever after. I still have a good feeling about me and Deacon but we’ll see.  But I also see a spark of something starting between Jax and Kim. There could be something there. I just have a feeling.


God just revealed to me a truth I just don’t know what to do with. He asked me if I was ready to be shocked and I really am but in another sense, I’m not. I actually alluded to this near the beginning of Codename Pallas. 

God used this story to reveal myself to me. He needed me to open my heart for some big mission he has for me. Not really sure what that is yet but I think it is going to be amazing. He told me this story shows what obedience looks like. In some ways this is a hot mess and all over the place. In other ways it is perfectly in sync. 

Things I only barely mentioned in the beginning would crop up further down the story. And that’s how God works, right? He kind of foreshadows things and makes you aware of them before you have to go through that divorce or dark night of the soul. He sneaks in a glimmer of hope so you just won’t completely lose it. He is good at planning like that.

This movie the White Hats are planning is even bigger than I originally imagined. Mom was right. Moms usually are.

I am still not sure what to do about this truth about God. God is alive. If I had led with that, would you have believed me? Would you have seen the growth and the journey? Life is all about the journey and not just the destination. We forget that sometimes

I am not sure how anything will unfold but  I have a feeling it is going to be really, really good.

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