Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Diary Entry 25 - An Energetic Tug of War


Diary Entry 25 - An Energetic Tug of War

I have been getting a lot of strange messages from Mr. Pendulum. It started out telling me Apollo and Northman were facing the tribunals in Washington DC. Not sure why. I wasn’t getting the impression they were in trouble. Maybe they are just giving testimony. They even said I would have to go. I am thinking this has to be an energetic meeting of these people on another plane of existence because I can tell you right now any testimony I could give would come from a glitchy pendulum and be considered less than hearsay.

They said the testimony was to pave the way for star beings to inhabit the earth. It said each star being would have to be given praise (maybe it means healing) to prepare form to ascend and receive the gifts taken from them.

In the last diary entry I mentioned how I was somehow connected to Uranus (Father Sky) and Phoebe in the Titans pantheon. Well, it kind of occurred to me to pose another question: Is Trump one of the Gods? I only ask this because I pulled a tarot reading that said that it was Trump who convinced Jax to walk away from me in ‘95.  I know how preposterous that sounds. I, for one thing, didn’t think the movie went that far back. But maybe he knew about this Waters Royalty thing even back then and had to keep us apart for a greater purpose. (The lies I tell myself, right?) 

So, I had to know, was Trump one of the Gods? 

The answer came back from Hilarion, “Welcome home.” Hilarion is a healer, ascended master and saint from like 400-ish BC. After that welcome came the answer I was seeking. The god Trump was connected to was Kronos. (Also spelled Cronos.) He is the father of the Olympian Gods. That both made sense and blew me away at the same time. I should say I wasn’t surprised by this answer, but I totally was.

You know how I said I need a map to ferret out all these weird connections, higher selves and Gods? Well, here is another one. Nikola Tesla is a past life of Deacon. And he tells me again how he talks to mom every day. I mistakenly thought he meant he was talking to my mother. Oh, no. He says to me, “tell Mom she opened God’s eyes.” I asked who was speaking and it said, “Tesla.” Next I asked, who was mom? “Tori.” I about fell out of my chair again. Not only am I Poe’s mother but I am Tesla’s mother too? How is that even possible?

None of these shenanigans are making sense to me. Right after that Mr Pendulum started channelling the dark side. Freaked me out. Satan and Vesta were bombarding me with strange crap. I had to hang up Mr. Pendulum for a while, sage and hide the board since all the protections I was putting up weren’t keeping this crazy element out.

I began to wonder if what I had tapped into was a universal Akashic Record of events because Vesta kept accusing me of changing history. I guess some version of me in another timeline fell for her lies and she didn’t like my resistance.

I told the pendulum that I was no longer getting the truth and was only receiving more and more fantastical stuff that only seemed geared to put into my stories. I came to the decision that I didn’t want to use the pendulum for my story any longer and just wanted the real truth. I think the final straw came when the pendulum said that I was Vesta’s true enemy.

That moment was when Christ came through and said he’d protect me. I think that was when the craziness really ceased. And the pendulum just started telling me normal stuff again. 

Currently, I have limited myself to Yes/No questions related to my tarot readings. Saturday was a weird night. And right before I fell into slumber I felt like a live wire had been attached to the base of my skull. My entire body felt like it lit up like a Christmas tree. It was as if I had connected directly to the matrix of this world and they were either downloading info into me or taking info out of me.

When I asked about it the next morning, it said I was a conduit for One Source’s healing power. I received the message that I had healed Uranus, the first God. But was told all Gods needed to be healed in this way. Somehow I had connected to nature and the forest for this and used their healing power. They told me my Grandfather was a nature spirit called the Wooded Man, I think maybe it is what they term the Green Man in the pagan culture. Maybe he helped me with this unusual healing effort I went through on Saturday. Who knows.

On Sunday afternoon I felt almost depressed. I felt like I had been disconnected from everything. Maybe this was something that needed to happen after that energetic healing from Saturday, I don’t know. But there was something off. The pendulum said I was feeling others' energies and this was how my new power was manifesting. Gee, thanks. I get the privilege of feeling like crap all day. Nice.

Closer to the end of the day I received the message that Deacon was going to come and visit me at some point and give some sort of Stars Certification. I have a feeling they want to use me for something and a person like me is never going to get on any military base just because they think I’m nice. Whatever this new thing is, it has sometime to do with a stargate. I don’t know any more than that at this point.

During my whole depressed period, I felt like someone was blocking Jax from my energy. I could feel the difference without him being there. Not sure what purpose that served but I got a whole lot of messages touting Deacon’s intentions toward me which was odd since the man is still married. This morning the connection with Jax was back again and stronger than ever.  I think there is some sort of weird energetic tug of war going on with the two of them. My only question at this point is… why?

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