Thursday, August 12, 2021

Diary Entry 22 - Floored & Baffled


Diary Entry 22 - Floored & Baffled

I got a message tonight that there is a prophecy that Apollo wrote somewhere about the Waters royalty legacy. Not sure where its written down but someone has it and is keeping it secret. Apollo also gave a copy of this prophecy to Rhea, who is his grandmother. Right after I learned this unique secret, then I hear that Vesta ate Rhea’s monad. I had to ask the question, what in the heck is a monad. They like to use these weird terms that I never seem to understand. I have to halt the message so I get a clear meaning about what they are trying to tell me.

A monad is someone’s true life force. I am not sure how you eat something like that but I figure this can’t be good. I asked if this means that the information she held in secret was something Vesta knows now. The answer that came back was yes. That’s unfortunate.

Mr. Pendulum says I am a star being turned into a person. Apparently this prophecy contains instructions on how to use me and Jax to regenerate the Gods. You may wonder how Apollo might know something like this, he is after all the God who is over all the oracles. I imagine this means he has prophetic power too. He is just more focused on his other cooler powers. The connection between me and Jax is really important and maybe this is why some people have been so adamant to keep us apart. I get that his abandonment of me was partly his job and wanting success and mostly his family whispering in his ear about how we weren’t meant to be.  In reality Jax and I balance each other. The regeneration heat of Pallas and the watery wall of past regrets of Jax put together somehow reanimate the God’s powers.  Don’t ask me how it works, I have no clue. 

Random tidbit: There are some people out there that raided body suits to pretend they are Gods. These bodysuits have some sort of other worldly power. This is just a random fact and seems out of place amidst the other truths here.

Sometimes things just pop into my head and I was wondering about Artemis, she is Apollo’s twin. You would think someone this important in Apollo’s life would be on the stage somewhere. It seems weird she hasn’t been mentioned much. I was curious. So I decided to ask the pendulum about it. The swinging divination device said that I was Artemis. Okay, that is just weird to me. Can you tell weird is my favorite word? Everything is weird. How is it possible that I am Hestia, Pallas and Artemis. It just doesn’t seem possible. What am I a triple goddess or something? But these three wouldn’t be put together in a normal myth.

The pendulum says that Limon Brothers turned me into a powerhouse. I am not really sure how that is possible. Are these Limon guys in the Deep State too? Are they descended from the priests and magicians who started all this? I am just floored and baffled. Why me?

I wanted to change the topic for a minute. Yesterday I mentioned how Deacon was manipulated by Satan and I wanted to expound on that a bit. This doesn’t mean Deacon is a bad person or is doing anything knowingly that is wrong. What I picked up was that during a time of weakness, and we all have these moments, he lost his faith. Since he is faith incarnate, this gave Satan and Vesta an in with him and they took advantage of it.

What happened was a weird type of thought form was created and inserted into him. It’s not like nanites or anything tech-like, but it is similar to that niggling little thought at the back of your brain that shoots down every good idea you have or gets you into that really blue mood that emotionally debilitates you.

I can’t imagine what happened with Deacon. But he is close to Mr. Trump in some way. Not sure how. But this invasive thought form is like a mole in the inner circle. He doesn’t call someone and tell them cool intel. It’s more like the Evil Queen is consulting her Magic Mirror like in Snow White.

I sent my suggestions to the White Hats about how to deal with it. It is a tool I sometimes use when I am overwhelmed with the energy of others. I wrap the energy, or in this instance, the thought form, in an energetic bubble. Then I open a portal to a black hole and shove the bubble inside, quickly closing it. This technique works really well for something like this.

(I have a bit of an update here. I went through the process of removing the thought form this morning which I feel was successful.)

I need to take a minute and talk about Legba, Papa Legba to some. I had a message a while back, I get a lot of those, don’t I? Perils of the job, I guess. The message was that Legba was also my father. You know, my father on earth, the one who doesn’t know he is Poseidon. I told you, I really need a map to track these things. This thing that Jax and I are supposed to do to bring back the God’s powers (I really think there is more to it than that, but I will let them tell me the story), it has to have a blessing. Legba stands at the spiritual crossroads as an intermediary between the seen and unseen. You need his permission or blessing to open the gate. And here is where Gates comes in again. Opening the gates. Is this Heaven’s gates? I did accidentally call them the Gods of Heaven a few chapters back. I have a feeling Heaven is a place, like a star or a planet that is currently inaccessible. Maybe the Greek and Roman Gods come from this planet, this place called Heaven. I don’t know but I thought I’d mention it. Seemed important. 

This morning I got the intel that Poseidon is the King of Heaven. Good to know.

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