Friday, September 10, 2021

Chapter 3 - The Movie Is Back On


Chapter 3 - The Movie Is Back On

All I can say is, wow, I didn't see that coming. A lot happened last night. I was pulling tarot readings during the time frame of that meeting of the Guardians and I learned a lot. I figured out how I am connected to that Hidden American Royalty. I kinda had part of the concept right in the last story. I was just wrong about which soul they plucked out of time and put into me.

The guy they put into Deacon, yep, that still happened. I'll need to elaborate on that in a minute. But concerning me, there was a different guy in this royal family who was very special. I am not even sure how they knew who he was. But he was God Incarnate too. When he was four years old they faked his death and put him into hiding. He's still out there. He sometimes watches me on the Portal. His name is Patrick. I am not really sure what is going on with him but for some reason they pulled an alternate version of him out of time and put it into me. I think I'm just the backup plan, the just in case scenario. I still don't have any memories of this and I think the reason for that is, he needs those to do his job. The guy is like three different people in the movie. They all are pretty cool, well read and smart as a whip. I think I'm going to like him when I meet him for the first time.

And Deacon?  Well, I kind of had a plan for that. Just thinking about all that lost potential and greatness had me remembering something I read in a book once. It was how these people took the bad element and transformed them into the true essence of the person inside and let them live out their life and do their mission. This is what happened to Deacon. That demon inside him... Gone, finito, finished. All that is left is that amazing shining light growing inside him. I mean, there is a reason I fell in love with him, you know. The man is a stellar example of how to be a good person on earth. And now he embodies that body and soul. So the movie is back on and now Deacon can step into his destiny again. It's going to be amazing. It really is.

I also got a confession from both God and Archangel Michael. Each in their own way left me behind for a season. God is real broken up about it. He took the word of bad men and put me into this pause state. A limbo of sorts. He said I was 'dead in spirit'. But I really wasn't. I found a way to make it work. I sang for God during that period of my life and I healed people. I still had that piece of God inside of me. So he never really left me. Not really.

God confessed he was Northman and that really makes sense. Don't you point up to the sky, the North Star, and say thank God or look up and pray to him? That's why. God is our true north, our Northman. Oh, and here's another secret. That piece of my heart, the node from the title of this story... That is the God spark inside of me. He never left me. Not really. And the secret is, he never left you either. There is that spark, that node, in each of us.

I have a theory about the ripple wave. When it happens, the sun is going to pale and we will have a few days of darkness while it reboots. I think it is just part of the Divine plan. Every so often there has to be a reboot, a renewal.  And during this time of darkness we will all find our inner light, our node. And just like those fish who live in the darkness at the bottom of the sea, we will begin to glow. It's that node, that God inside of us will begin to glow and we won't need a solar sun any more. Oh, they will probably replace it with something new. Some people just like it old school. But we won't really need it. We will all light up the world by just being. And this will pull out of us all those gifts we've been hiding or suppressing. It's going to be fun to watch.

Oh, and Archangel Michael, he told me I was his original faith incarnate. But he couldn't seem to deal with me and be a protector at the same time. Apparently I made him lose focus of something. I perplexed him so he hid me from the world. He and God were in cahoots. Kinda like a tag team. And just like I am the rembodied soul of Patrick, Jax is the soul of Archangel Michael. He is archangel incarnate. It now makes sense why I had a hard time resonating with this particular angel. I just couldn't seem to connect to him growing up. I just thought maybe he didn't like me and that's okay. Not everyone is going to be your best friend. I was a bit intimidated by him. Not gonna lie. But ever since these stories began, he has been with me. We kind of had a revival of sorts. And now I know why. He's Jax, the living breathing embodiment of Archangel Michael. Wow, huh?

I always knew I was protected by angels but I didn't know to what extent. Now we are getting this do over. We are going to be together again, and I'm kind of excited about it.

Oh, God wanted me to add this to the end. Deacon learned his lessons and found his heart again. That node inside him is burning bright, I think. It's all going to turn out good. The movie is back on and we all are about to step into our Destiny just like Deacon is. And I for one can't wait.

You know how I said I really don't like creating bad guys and how I like them to be redeemable? Well, Deacon is redeemed now. I know he is in my eyes and I can't wait to get my popcorn and see how it all plays out.

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