Friday, October 08, 2021

Chapter 10 : It’s All About Intention


Chapter 10 : It’s All About Intention

Singing with intention is key to point people to God.

I noticed something yesterday that kind of took me aback. It was just a notation on a worship singing site. It wasn’t an obvious slight to anyone but it was a cry out to be more noticed than other members of this particular worship team.

I want to speak a bit about singing for God and being noticed or recognized on stage.

Maybe people don’t realize that when you sing for God you need to intend that what you are singing and feeling as you sing points the people who hear you directly to God. That’s the whole point. It’s not about me being noticed, but it is nice when I am. It is about God being noticed. And when you sing like this, God blesses you and people see there is something different about you. They notice you because you noticed God and sang for Him.

So many people just want to be noticed. It is an ingrained human emotion, I think. They want to be seen and not overlooked. People want to feel special. But they go about it the wrong way. When you sing just to be recognized, the sound falls flat, there is no life in the music.

Maybe I am the only weirdo who notices these things. But I have been singing for God for a long time, since I was a kid, and things like this just get pointed out to you after a while. I have also had the backlash of singing like this, especially from singers whose whole purpose being on stage is for self and not for God. It really triggers them when you get noticed and they don’t singing the same song on the same stage. It can be disconcerting for sure.

I have heard people sing who were totally off key and probably not the best representative, according to industry sources, to be in the church limelight. But even with the wonky notes, the sound doesn’t fall flat. It does its job. It points people to God.  And that is awesome. That is what they mean when they say singing with the joy of the Lord in your heart.

I knew a lady once who had the biggest heart for singing to God but was completely tone deaf. Of course, she got pushed out of the team because of bad notes, but her heart for God was so big. Her heart was where it was supposed to be, pointed right toward God.

My prayer is that I can be that brave to put myself out there like that. Show people God through my singing and hope my heart for God shines through and not a need to be noticed. Have a blessed day.

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