Sunday, September 26, 2021

Chapter 7 - All Fired Up

Chapter 7 - All Fired Up

This morning the Walker Royalty got fired. They put me through another deception telling me lies just to make themselves feel better. God the Most High had to step in. Apparently, my Girl on a mission for God blog connects to people in a way the church just can't. God has a plan for it. And Papa God's shenanigans nearly killed my passion for this project. That made THE God see red.

I have been through so many trials in my life over the years, one right after the other that I got real good at shaking off the dust and moving forward quickly. That threw Papa God off kilter.  He just wanted me to notice him. I hadn't been speaking to Papa or Mom God since I realized how they were not THE God, you know, the God who loves you and wants the best for you. These were posers only interested in self and self-focused and just not what THE God is all about.

I am not sure I completely understand the whole point of the Walker Royalty but they did serve a purpose in my storytelling. It did what THE God wanted it to do. It got the fiction writer in me back on the front burner and on fire for God. All these trials I have gone through since March served a greater purpose. I discovered my heart isn't broken and I can let love in. And I discovered God is always with me and speaking to me every day. Those two things are huge for me. God wants me to show other people how God is speaking to me so they can connect up and get their own God inspired messages. It's going to be a phenomenon, I can already tell.

So, I about got derailed from my secret mission to prove God exists. But God noticed me, recognized me and intervened. It's going to be a whole new world for me in more than one way. God said today is the beginning and he is excited to see my reaction about what will unfold today. Apparently there is a big to do planned at church that will be quite enlightening. But I'm all fired up again, so it should be fine. With God back in charge and the Walker Royalty gone, how can anything go wrong?

I'm ready. Let's go!


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