Friday, July 23, 2021

Diary Entry 2 - Archangel Michael and the Other Guy

So, I thought I might tell you a bit about the other guy. The one Archangel Michael favors. Originally this guy's higher self was a mystery to me. Mr Pendulum was keeping mum on who it was. Kept telling me I wasn't allowed to know. Then one day, the secret was out and Archangel Michael was on the scene.  Doesn't he have some war in Heaven to fight? Why is he suddenly really so interested in me and gaining my favor?

So anyway, the guy, he is a deacon at my church. He sometimes fills in and does sermons since he is a real motivational type of guy. Probably was Tony Robbins in another life. His wife is the sweetest thing ever. Sings on the worship team. I can already hear the question you are pondering. A tarot reader goes to church? Yep. I was on the worship team for eons but after mom died, it was all too overwhelming and I had to take a break. Still on that break, by the way. But I do go to church. Great place to connect with God. It's like going into an energetic portal of deep connection. I understand why people think I am weird. My first deck of tarot cards scared the crap out of me. They are really just tools. You use your own connection to God to interpret the meaning. God gives you the cards you need and you tell the story of them. It is not too different from writing a blog like this. You just go with the flow. 

So, anyway, the guy. His name is Noah Stone. He has a big family and posts on social media a lot showing off his grandkids. I can't believe people my age have grandkids. I am only in my early fifties so it's not like I am ancient or anything. This guy was also a career military guy. Which is probably why AA Mike is tying to get between Noah and wifey. I mean this girl is the catch. The fact that they are together gives the rest of us hope we can find our perfect match too. If only my trust gauge wasn't broken.  There might me hope for me. A love connection would be nice. Not really thinking that is truly in the cards for me but the Universe (aka THE God) and AA Michael seem intent on thrusting me together with someone for a purpose I can't quite fathom yet. It's a mission of sorts, I'm sure. If you are reading this you have to be on my Legacy blog. So there will be spies involved at some point. Something to look forward to, I guess. I think I must have been a spy in another life. We will get into my other lives later. Especially the one where I was a prophetess (think Delphi) but I was cursed. The curse made no one believe my insights. That's what happens when gods get jealous. They curse you. It's a whole story. I'll tell you later when it is more appropriate. 

Okay, back to the other guy. He was career military and probably exposed to a lot of secrets those normies among us may never see. So my idea about how AA Mike and the Universe might get between them is that they will infer she strayed while he was working for The Man. I have heard a lot of sob stories about how girls left their guys out in the cold while they were working or away or whatever. Seems plausible. 

Maybe about three months ago this guy showed up in my readings out of the blue. It was just weird. I told you about how Mr. Pendulum lies and he goes into this whole story about how Noah is really my brother Marcus. Marcus is my brother in spirit. He died when he was born. Like I am really going to buy this at first glance. Mr. Pendulum has to work for this one and goes into this whole diatribe about how Marcus was taken at birth and my parents were just told he died. Then he was sold on the black market or wherever babies go to get adopted out to unsuspecting parents who are willing to pay for a child. I told you. It’s just crazy pants what Mr. Pendulum can come up with when he is on a mission to get you to do something. So, this whole Noah is really Marcus thing goes on for a while and they reveal to me who in our community was responsible for the kidnapping. I am not going to really go into that part since some of what Mr. Pendulum says does come to pass eventually. Lets just say that one of the perpetrators died recently and paperwork was found revealing stuff. Untoward stuff. Stuff you really don’t want your family to know you were involved in.

I want to speak a little bit about timelines and how they jump around. This whole Noah is Marcus thing has gone back and forth so many times it has made my mind spin. Mr. Pendulum says that oh, Noah is your brother, but you guys are meant to be together romantically. I had to have a literal little talk with Mr. Pendulum and who he is connecting to and explain how you just don’t take up romantic relations with your siblings. It’s weird and gross. Then the timeline suddenly jumps and the next day, oh, Noah is not Marcus. Marcus is a truther he works alongside. Really? This back and forth changing of the story makes my head hurt and wonder what drugs Mr. Pendulum used in his youth. 

I have come to the conclusion that this whole Marcus thing is a bunch of poppycock and I will not let that stuff come into my readings any more. Then suddenly I wasn’t getting anything about Deacon or his gal. Kind of a relief actually. At one point a while back Mr. Pendulum told me that in 1986 a Light Realm Grid was created on the Earth. This grid was made of very spiritual people dotted all over the planet. I assumed at the time me and Deacon (aka Noah) were picked simply because we were related and they paired up females and males in one location to be a single grid point. Now I am not sure how this factors into anything and it just might have been cool intel the galactics or gods or whomever is speaking through Mr. Pendulum wanted me to know.

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