Friday, August 13, 2021

Diary Entry 23 - Gods of Heaven


Diary Entry 23 - Gods of Heaven

The other night I received another message that mom isn’t dead. At first they told me she was in a place much like our house that had been custom made for her. Not sure why they would go to so much trouble. They were saying she was being kept company by clones who looked like me and dad. I want to know whose bright idea it was to do this forced Mom-cation. I heard she had a choice but this is a little much.

The last intel I received via Mr Pendulum was that she is now on Mars and both Deacon and Jax have been visiting her. Again, why? Why take her away from her family and let two relative strangers visit her. I am not comprehending this at all and want to throw this into the disinformation pile but I hesitate because I want this to be true.

This morning the message came through that they were making a home for her on Orion. I was a little miffed. Without me and dad? Apparently the fact that we were included was assumed. This place on Orion is called Heaven. Getting more intel on this now. And this is where all the Gods live. Earlier in the year I had gotten that they lived on Sirius but they claim that is “old ground.” Not sure what that means. Maybe the place isn’t viable for life any more. I get the word “desolation: when I think of it.

Had a bit of a mind twister today while I was at work. It said that a priest wanted to use me for a ritual but was denied. When I asked who this priest was, it named Deacon. Maybe my extraction of the thought form wasn’t as successful as I thought and this idea just freaked me out a bit. Exactly why would they want to do a ritual with me? Apparently it was Satan’s idea. Of course, it was. I asked why they wanted to use me and they said that it was because of the truth incarnate. No power was greater to him.

The person behind Mr. Pendulum says to me: Now you see your importance. Do I see? Not really. I do see that this is crazy stuff. I had to double protect myself to make sure I was getting the right information. Then I asked the most obvious question I could think of. Okay, if I am so important, why isn’t anyone around to help me. Mr Pendulum assured me that there are people around, I just don’t see them. 

What a truth incarnate I am. A blind truth incarnate. I asked for a hint of who was helping to protect me. Deacon. Really? The same Deacon who wants to sacrifice me during a ritual for Satan? Mr Pendulum assures me that he is only pretending. Okay, I can buy the double agent thing, I think. There is also a Troupe of Keepers keeping me safe. I do feel a bit better at this knowledge but not really. Still kinda freaked out, gotta be honest.

The tarot says I need to take something off of my story. I asked what it was. Limon Bros. Wow, these mob people can even get to my tarot deck and shake it down. Apparently, Deacon has a plan and this name in my story could usurp that plan. Come on, people. It’s just a story, right?

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