Thursday, August 05, 2021

Diary Entry 16 - Oh Gods, A Historical Breakthrough


Diary Entry 16 - Oh Gods, A Historical Breakthrough

I think I made a breakthrough last night with finding details about this Waters Royalty thing. Finally Mr. Pendulum broke his silence about it all. And I am still trying to get a handle on what it really means. I have been realizing something about history, it’s all wrong. Someone lied to us, and it just wasn’t someone recently. This has been going on for eons.

The first thing I get is that there was an underwater fight between Poseidon and Triton. If you aren't up with who's who in the Greek God universe, Triton is Poseidon’s son and they are both gods of the sea. Triton is more like a hearld for his dad, you know, message deliverer, reminds me a bit of Hermes but underwater. It seems all of these “gods” are aligning with people in my real life which is the oddest thing ever. Poseidon is my dad. Triton is Jax, aka old boyfriend, if you haven’t been keeping up. I am Pallas, Triton’s daughter. So far so good?

So, Mr. Pendulum is trying to tell me that there was this big flood that happened because Poseidon and Triton got in a big underwater fight. I might have bought this for an hour or two but I just couldn’t wrap my mind around why. Why were they fighting?

Then I realized that the officials at the time turned them into monsters. These officials were priests and magicians. And they didn’t actually turn them into literal monsters, but they created an illusion. They spun the tale to the human population that the Gods were not good and were doing them harm. Or maybe they spun the tale that the Gods wanted to be worshiped, I don’t know but I do know a tale was told and it wasn’t the truth. I think this is truly where the Deep State was formed. They spun illusions and manipulated people to further their own agenda.

The Gods, at least the ones from the Greek Pantheon, came from the stars. Mr. Pendulum says they are from the Sirius star system. I am not sure why they really came to earth but it said they gave the citizens happy feet and Apollo and Pallas made many friends of the locals. Oh, and in case you forgot, Apollo is Deacon.

By this time I have come to the conclusion that this underwater fight between Poseidon and Triton might be disinformation. When I clarify later, I realize that the two sea gods were attempting to fix straits and waterways, tunnels and things underwater that needed to flow in certain ways. This reminds me of how all the Truthers say to “watch the water.” I still don’t know what that means, but this seems to resonate with that.

At some point during this flood story there is a sacrifice. Pallas sacrifices herself for the people of earth. There is not much known about Pallas and what powers she may have possessed but I am getting that she had the gift of resurrection, a gift of bringing things back to life. I am not sure the word sacrifice means what I think it does at this point. And when I ask Mr. Pendulum abou it he says it meant educating myself in order to provide a team effort. Hum.

So the straits and waterways Triton and Poseidon were fixing were sabotaged by Vesta. She is the Roman equivalent of Hestia, the goddess of home and hearth, the stay at home housewife of the Greek pantheon. Mr. Pendulum says that Vesta is death incarnate. I am definitely going to have to make a map of all these gods just in order to remember who is who and how they relate to me in my own life.

Vesta had let this strait deteriorate for a purpose and the Gods from Heaven were helping make things right on earth. In fact, they still are, I’m sure. I think these Greek Gods were the galactic caretakers of earth.

At some point something happens to Triton and he is reborn as Northman. I am wondering if this is where the whole rebirth, reincarnation cycle began. It says that Apollo faced the officials and no one survived. Apollo has this sun power which probably made things mighty toasty for a while on Earth. Somehow I traded my life, sacrificed, for Apollo’s and here they called him One Source, God incarnate. Northman opened a portal and somehow I was reborn too into Truth incarnate. Confused yet? I know I sure am.

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