Friday, July 30, 2021

Diary Entry 12 - Spoiler Alert - Signs Point To…

Diary Entry 12 - Spoiler Alert - Signs Point To…

Mr. Pendulum is giving me dire predictions of a personal nature now. Okay, let's be honest, I have gotten a message or two in the past but you never seem to take those first few seriously. What I am getting is the type of stuff where you want to put your fingers in your ears and sing “la-la-la-la!”

I have a month to see if this is another Mr. Pendulum lie or an unexpected truth? Not really looking forward to hearing the answer, gotta be honest.

So, this story is going to be a good way to keep all this nonsense, not off my mind, but pushed to the back shelf until I can better deal with it.

This is kind of reminding me of that analogy of the group trapped in the mine, air is running out and only one guy has the watch and knowing how much air they have left. I am feeling like that guy with the watch, judging the time as it tick tocks knowing the timer is going to ding at any moment. It’s not a fun feeling.

Anyway, that’s not why you are here, right? Sorry for the ramblings. Not many places I can express my concerns like this. Where did I last leave off in the story? Oh, yeah, North Man.

Pendulum is saying North Man is not only Poseidon but is my dad as well. Not sure why this is important yet. It’s just bizarre. I know I have a Roman past lifetime; she was a woman named Cassandra. I got that years ago before I ever knew who she was. I had to go to the internet, when the internet was very new, and search for the info I had. She was the oracle/prophetess who no one believed her insights and their whole realm went to crap cause they didn’t listen to her.

Mr. Pendulum has told me Marcus and I are royalty. Yeah, right, huh? When I dig into this question I get things like.. I am Artemis and Marcus is Apollo. Then a few minutes later I am Athena and then Pallas Athena. This was a while back. Recently, it said Mom was Pallas Athena and I was her namesake, the final Pallas. What the heck does that even mean? What is it with all the Greek God references? I did get the understanding that they aren’t actually Gods but higher level beings who have their own form of magic. They told me it is called re-magic. But I definitely got the impression that there is magic in the real world. The Gods, who aren’t really Gods, have a higher level magic, not sure how it is different but I am quite fascinated to hear why any of this means anything.

The pendulum is suddenly calling Deacon Priest Noah. I think it may have something to do with using sage to clear the energy of my space. I seem to be getting much clearer messages now. Plus, I think the energy of the planet is moving upward which is making us all more psychic.

I just have a question. Are you seeing things in your third eye, or is it just me? Every morning I see this scene which looks like scenes of two people morphing from one picture to the next. It is almost like I am seeing a slideshow of all my past lives in one second increments. And a couple of those lifetimes don’t even look human at all. I swear one image was rock people or something. Weird. And while I am seeing this scene of the random lifetime flashes I feel like my whole body is plugged into an electrical outlet. I just feel all buzzy. You probably all think I am really crazy now. Just a bunch of what seems like nonsense in one journal entry. I think the story is still building but I don’t know where it is going.

I think Mr. Pendulum has a crush on Marcus because he keeps going on about how he is such a strong main character and how I need to give him Poseidon-like characteristics. What type of characteristics are those? I asked which of my guides was helping me with this stor and they said it was Poe. You know Edgar Allen Poe? Apparently, I was his mother in another life. I read up about their connection, but it didn't seem good then. I think we have a better connection now since he has recently become a guide in the last six months. Problem is, he sucks at spelling. I can always tell when he is in on the connection. He is probably my favorite guide because, heck, it’s cool.

One time I got a message how Nehemiah was going to visit me. I’m like, the guy from the Bible? What in the heck did he want? I was tempted to ask Deacon what he thought it meant but I figured he’d peg me as crazy. I did look him up. He was this builder guy who was a bit like the Tony Robbins of building things. He went to a town to build something and heck if the people wouldn’t let him build it but were inspired to do it themselves. What do you think I am supposed to learn from this? Am I just the type of person who inspires other people? I do tend to be ahead of the trends. I am not much of a tradesman, although, my uncle would be good in that area.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Diary Entry 11 - Change of Plans

Okay, that was weird. Not what I was expecting at all. Just got a call from Kara, Deacon's wife. She was super nice to me in that syrupy sweet southern tone that gives me the impression she is the queen and I am the serf. Definitely a power play of some kind. Her intent was clear. I wasn't welcomed at church any more. I am pretty sure it has something to do with this story. I guess it is a good thing I didn't dish all the dirt I got on her from readings a few months back. Shocking stuff. Stuff that could make her put a hit out on me for sure. Oh, wait somebody already did that. And frankly, she has the background to take me out and have no problem singing on Sunday morning. Her energy is kind of scary like that. 

As I was contemplating the direction of this story I thought Kara would make a good Double Agent. Deacon thinks he is hiding his big secret as Marcus and instead Kara has been planted in his life, talk about long term op. Thirty years is a long time for an assignment. 

(I hope you realize at this point I am going off the rails with the reality stuff and moving into a more fiction based story.)

It was kind of a vague brush off. She didn't come out and say exactly why I was being banned from the premises.  I just know I am not wanted anymore. 

This breakup really reminds me of what happened with Jax back in the day. The energy feels the same. The Devil came out when I was asking spirit about this and that energy was mega strong. The crossroads card two of wands with the queen of swords came out. Harsh words and a new road opens. Oh, well, say-la-vee, I guess.  I am too tired to fight about it.  My sister and I are finally coming to a compromise about Dad. Just thinking about fighting makes me want to cry.  And crying is not in my wheelhouse. 

I was told a while back the Pentagon has a portal at church. I actually expected Jax to step out of it dressed to the nines in his pilot uniform and joining me in the front row. Sometimes the energy is just off the chain there. 

Been getting the weirdest messages about Dad. I have to keep in mind sometimes Mr Pendulum lies. It says Dad is preparing me for the next phase of my life journey with Deacon and Jax. it says he's actually being paid to do it. Hopefully he is being paid from God's blessings.  I mean you just can't make up the struggle he's been having with his breathing. And this morning when I went out to get the paper a chair was out of place and positioned right in the middle of the porch as if they were guarding the place. The chair was facing north. 

This is reminding me of something. Have I mentioned the North Man yet? For a long time I thought it was talking about Jax since he lives up north from me. But later I realized from the things Mr Pendulum has told me that he is Poseidon. Yep, the Greek God.  And he rules over some kind of realm that I can only describe as outer space. That just may mean a place on earth we can't see or haven't discovered yet. Or is actually outer space. I have a feeling outer space isn't what we think it is. 

Anyway, North Man, he has some connection to my mom, me and Deacon. I don't know what that connection is but it seems important.  He just came out again in my pendulum reading which is why I am mentioning it.  Now they are adding Jax to the mix of this connection. Somehow Jax and Deacon know each other but I am not sure why or how. It is still a mystery to me. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Diary Entry 10 - Truth is Stranger Than Fiction


Talk about confrontations. Yesterday I was wondering where this whole story was going and where I’d go from here. Then my sister and I had a bit of a tiff about Dad’s well being, other things, etc. etc. You can imagine the words exchanged, I'm sure. But it got me thinking about how this particular argument relates to humanity as a whole.

We have a whole bunch of well intentioned people out there with a ton of life experience who can’t help but put their two cents into the energy of the collective expressing what they would do if this… or this.. or this happened. That is all well and good but God told me this morning we are exactly on track. He told me to stay the course. Actually, he said that more than once so it must be important. Keep doing what I was doing.

We are at this crazy tipping point in history when things are going to be released from this secret vault into the world. I’m sure you’ve heard here and there about how the U.S. Marshalls keep finding pockets of kids that have been  exposed to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Today God told me that this sort of manipulation is also happening to our seniors too, the elderly, and this is why Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease is on the rise. He also mentioned how Satan gave the Founding Families truth incarnate and that they abused this power by twisting the truth into lies to further their agenda.

So this horrible truth about how our seniors have been manipulated is going to come out and we all will have to deal with the fallout. Source says to pray for safety, pray for the memories to return, lock your doors and thank Him for bringing SRA to an end. I added that last part because I would really be thankful if that happened. After he told me about Satan gifting the Founding Fathers with Truth Incarnate, he told me to be true to myself.

The further message was that Jax and I were not following the Portal Realm Course. I think this means the negative agenda. And apparently they want me to pay for disrupting history. I assume this means the history they the negative influencers created and not the real true history of mankind.

Source also said that Deacon was going to pay to stop the flow of information from Mother Earth/Sophia to me since he discovered she was my Higher Self. I am hoping this just means he is trying to protect me and not harm me. Source said once the families find out I am Sophia’s truth incarnate I will be targeted for elimination. Oh jeez!

God ended with that I was staying true to course despite all this and making a difference. Also that Deacon would come to his senses soon enough.

I am not really sure where all this is going. But isn't it starting to get really interesting?

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Diary Entry 9 - Anticipating Being Called Out

Mr. Pendulum gave me a heads up today. Apparently, Deacon has found the blog and is a bit ticked off at me about it. Actually the word was furious. Uh oh. Jax seems to be okay with it which is odd. Jax has never been one who likes the limelight. He is not on social media of any kind and whenever I’ve searched for him online here and there over the years, he didn’t come up at all. The guy must have a special internet sweeper team to make that happen.Very weird. Maybe he was a spy in another life too.

Deacon however is a social media superstar. He and his besties all post about church events constantly. I used to post my crafts on Instagram all the time but that gets a little old after a while. Now I’m over it and just post when the whim hits me.

I am cringing right now thinking of all the fifteen ways Deacon might approach this conversation. Hopefully he reads all the way until this point so he gets the entire picture of what is going on. And honestly, I don’t really know what is going on either. I am just going with the flow. The story is basically unfolding by itself as the days progress.

I wondered if Deacon knew about the blog last week since he glowered at me something fierce on Sunday. I didn’t realize he had a scary look. It’s a new look on him. Not my favorite. I am just keeping my distance for now in case Mt. Saint Helens decides to erupt in my face. I really hope if something hits the fan, I will not totally lose this friendship I have built with Deacon. 

Pretty soon any real life inspiration I am using is going to fall away since this story is taking on a life of its own. I will be adding more Legacy characters since I really miss those guys. It was fun to see Gia Doyle again. She was on the original team when I first started the story The Legacy was based on called Bulgarian Underground.

More to come. Pray for me.

Diary Entry 8 - It Has Begun...

I am not really sure what to make of Mr. Pendulum’s ramblings tonight. I am actually kind of in shock. I am having my own mini Tower moment. (Tarot insight: The Tower in tarot represents a sudden shock, something that happens in an instant and causes massive destruction in your life. It completely shakes your foundations so completely anything in your life that isn’t fastened down and secure is going to say bye-bye.) That’s how I feel right now.

Mr. Pendulum likes to tell me how special I am before he gets into the juicy stuff. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like a good compliment as much as the next gal but after a while it is just too much. Compliment overkill.

So, the real juicy stuff has to do with that soulmate cycle I was telling you about. You know how I mentioned the soulmate would come in and connect with you? Well, Mr. Pendulum failed to tell me the person would come in energetically and you would be wedded in spirit. I am kinda gonna blame Calliope for this since she is a part time wedding officiant and we talk a lof about her side hustle and that probably gave God the idea. I mean, really? Wedded in spirit? What exactly does that mean? And don’t you really need to ask my permission before we get so chummy with each other?

Mr. Pendulum tried to appease me by telling me I was not only truth incarnate but also faith incarnate and peace incarnate. What exactly do you do with these sudo-titles? Do I have some kind of strange power I don’t know about?

It took me a few minutes. I had to let it all sink in. But I finally understand what has been going on all these years The negative influencers disabled the energy of the planet by purposely breaking up powerful soulmate connections. Now, God is on a mission to force all these soulmates back together for the greater good. And he even went one step further. 

The other day he asked me to ask Sophia (aka Mother Earth) to leave her form. Apparently, I am connected to her too, who knew? I was so curious about this. I wondered if it was so she could completely disengage from the negative influencers and what they have been doing underground for eons.

But instead what happened was that Source merged with Sophia becoming a very, very powerful soulmate connection. It just kind of blows my mind, actually. He was even referring to himself as God Earth in the pendulum readings too.

I think the dice is stacked in God’s favor here. At least, I hope it is. He is having to take drastic action to save the human race from being wiped from the planet. We can’t let these negative influencers win and decimate this planet, which is what I think their ultimate goal is.

I mean, I get it. I do. The whole power trip thing. But I don’t understand their thinking. Why would any bad guy be on board with this? You need a planet to live on, right? So, why would you go to so much trouble to completely screw yourself once you reached your ultimate goal of killing off 90 percent of the population? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

Chapter 7: The Foundation of the Problem

"We have a problem." Jax was barely out of the building and back to his sleek black sports car before he pulled out a phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. 

The voice that greeted him on the other side was hesitant and guarded. "I'm not with the Foundation any more, Jax.  Whatever it is, I won't be able to help you."

"It's Tori. They are sending me back in." the man on the other end of the line grumbled and cursed which was unlike him. "It was a fluke I ever met her in the first place and now the family knows she's reconnected again. There is no way in hell she'll take me back no matter what her blog says."

"What do you mean blog?" Jax relayed the easy to remember URL. "You need to check it out. She is writing about you too."

"Both of us?"

"Marcus, your sister is hella perceptive. She's not even in the loop and she knows more than some senior staffers."

"Why am I even mentioned?"

"She reads cards and uses a pendulum. Never seen anything like it. She gets more from that thing than any reader I've ever heard of."

“You know why she’s that good? She has a few past lives the Foundation would like to squeeze out of her but they are more afraid of her than anything else. That damn angel nearly killed a couple of my best men a few years back.”

“You really need to read her blog, Marcus. That damn angel is your higher self.” Jax wished he could see the look on Marcus’s face right now. His sister wasn’t the only one with otherworldly connections.

“I’ll read the blog and brief my superiors.”

“I thought you weren’t in the Foundation any more,” Jax chuckled.

“Even when you retire you never really leave the military … or the Foundation.”

“Tell me about it. Your contract is probably like mine with the Family. It never really expires.”

Marcus clicked off the call. There was never really a need to say goodbye to Jax. They were practically like family. What he lost by being taken away from the Waters he gained with the Temples who took him in years ago after his escape from his kidnappers.

He looked over at his wife, Kara. She didn’t know who he really was, never even suspected. He’d been at this game for so long lying was like second nature. The people at his church would cringe if they knew the truth. A man of God living a double life?

It had been much easier before he retired. He always had multiple reasons for being out of the house. Now it was more of a challenge.

First things first. He booted up hias laptop and keyed in the URL Jax had given him. “The Legacy, huh?” He sighed and found the beginning of the Pallas mission. He knew it was only a matter of time before they met with her fully knowing he was not just her brother in spirit but her brother in real life. He was, like in the Harry Potter books, the boy who lived.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Chapter 6: Confrontation at O’Hare

Jax Temple never thought it would come to this. He was sitting in a room inside O’Hare he had never seen before and that's saying something. With thirty years at the airline under his belt, he’d seen every nook and cranny of the place, or so he thought. The room wasn’t a great size but it was big enough to conduct the type of operation he realized this was.

“I never actually thought we’d meet,” said Gia Doyle in her clipped tone. She was icy and direct. A definite ice queen. “Your mother sends her regards.”

Jax cringed. He knew it had to be something like this. The dang family had gotten involved again. “Why am I here?” he asked, his timbre even and monotone.

“We want you to talk to her.”

“About what?” Jax asked, curious. “I know you don’t want me involved with her again. You made that clear in ‘98 when I tried to contact her and you blocked the transmissions.”

“We needed her then. The stories were important. She was channelling them and we needed that information at the time,” Gia said simply.

“And now?” Jax didn’t like where this was going.

“She’s connected with Source again and your contract has never changed. We need her.”

“And what are you expecting me to do? You know she’ll never take me back,” Jax stared pointedly at the tall thin redhead.

“I take it you haven’t read her latest ramblings?”

“What are you talking about?””

“Her latest Legacy mission, “Codename: Pallas.”

“Shit.” Jax knew he paled at the name. “How did she find out?”

“Read the blog. You’ll be enlightened.”

Diary Entry 5 - Realizations, Reboots and Gifts


Diary Entry 5 - Realizations, Reboots and Gifts

I know you have probably come to the conclusion at this point that I must be delusional and lying to myself. You probably think, what is wrong with that girl? I know. I know. You don’t think I see how crazy this stuff sounds? My dad would call it bat shit crazy. If you have read everything to this point you must know that I am not really motivated by money or fame. Plus, I haven’t been in a real relationship since Jax back in ‘95. Dating has never been tops on my priority list. I mentioned the whole broken trust gauge, right? You would be right if you claimed my life was boring. On the outside it really is. I fill my time with reading and crafts, hobbies and now writing again. Life isn’t always the great adventure like Steven Curtis Chapman likes to sing about. 

But you need to understand something about this time in history. We are in a massive soulmate cycle just like we had back in ‘95. Coincidentally timed break up, huh? God is bringing all these soulmates together to pump up the love vibe of the planet. You might have noticed how all the truthers on YouTube keep getting deplaformed even though we all have first amendment rights of free speech in America. This is part of the overall problem we are facing as a planet. We have allowed this negative group of influencers to completely take over everything. The media is just a regurgitated bunch of facts from one or two sources that are disseminated all over the world. This gives these negative guys a bunch of power over us and for the last couple of hundred years we have been brainwashed into believing a bunch of untrue stuff that we are taking as fact simply because they tell us it is true. The people of this planet have lost their ability to discern truth from fiction.

So, this is why God is bringing all the soulmates together and why Archangel Michael is giving me such a brain freeze when it comes to Deacon. He is gathering divine connections, people who have lifetime after lifetime of strong connections. If you don’t believe in past lives, that’s okay. God is going to bring back that past soulmate into your life again anyway. You don’t need to believe in it to make it come to pass. God is doing all the work. 

This leads me to this truth… it is not just me having these crazy experiences. It is probably you too!

All this overthinking has made me rethink the Hunger Games Deathmatch reading from the other day. I have come to the conclusion that the soulmate on Deacon’s side of the reading was really his wife, Kara and not me. (Thank God.) Not that I don’t think Deacon is a worthy match, he totally is. But I am happy God thinks these two are worthy of each other too and that makes me ecstatic. I have been wondering for a while if she was an important character in this saga since, heck, they have 30 years of experience together. That is perfect fodder for the Devil and his minions to want to break apart. A strong love connection like that is not one the Devil would want to continue. Dang that guy! He is so annoying.

Anyway, let’s get back to Kara for a minute. I think she is very good at blocking her energy. So I assume that is why I haven’t been picking up on her. I merely assumed I was in the latter part of the reading since she hadn’t come up previously. I think our energy must have a similar vibe since I keep reading her as me.

I re-clarified with Mr. Pendulum and he did agree with me that it was Kara in that part of the reading and not me. Whew. Relief city over here. I am praying if they are having problems they rekindle things because they make such a good example for the rest of us to follow when it comes to having a successful relationship.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten past the hard stuff I wanted to tell you about my dream from the other night. It was pretty enlightening and I am kinda excited to see what comes of it.

I was driving my car (dream interpretation info: cars can be your own mind or body, something you use to travel, through your thoughts or through the world. Houses give a similar vibe to that but no traveling is involved.) and I realized I had no rear view mirror. (This tells me to not look backward right now, only forward.) I had to go home for some reason. (To speak to God, maybe?) So I drove through the park near my house. I came upon a roadblock that I had to bypass while in the park (The Park or Garden in Lenormand can mean community, place people congregate, reunions, the public eye, social media, etc). Instead of going left, I had to go right, the right path. When I got to the bottom of the hill in the middle of the park, the car seized up and the area behind the steering wheel turned into a big monitor screen and displayed an icon sort of like the ones you get on your computer when the thing completely dies and you have to go out and get a completely new one. Earlier I had realized that the program we use to create ads at work wasn’t in my car’s memory (I mean, why would it be?). I think this dream means that I had a complete hard restart of my brain, system, life? I don’t know. Something definitely happened.

Let me try to get a better handle on this dream and see what it really says.

Okay, I am moving forward through some sort of public thing. It could be contemplating this supposed reunion with Jax or dealing with people in my current universe but there is a block in this area of my life that I have to bypass. I am doing this by connecting to God. God does something to change me in my area of manifesting/creating. I am hard reset. I am not to look back but keep moving forward. At the end of this dream I was back at work and three different people from the airport kept coming around looking for something. In metaphysical dream interpretation it says airports are symbolic of transitions, departures or adventures in your life. It can mean beginning a new phase of your life. This is also the area where Jax works so it may have some correlation to him too. A transition in my life that could include Jax? Maybe. A new beginning or phase in my life? Could be. I am keeping my options open for now.

The cards are also reflecting this reboot. Now Deacon and I will merely work together on some project/venture he has been contemplating. He is giving his marriage a second chance (Revelation card) which I think is awesome. I hope AA Mike is okay with that too. Soulmate connections do not always have to be romantic and you will have a lot of them over your lifetime. Thank goodness. :)

Mr. Pendulum is telling me that this reboot will bring about a bunch of gifts that will blossom in my life. I guess that is the cool benefit of being rebooted, you get the prize inside the cracker jack box too! Here are a few things he told me about:

  • I’ll be open to portals to places I’ve never seen

  • Opening to perceptions of ghosts both real and imaginary (wonder what that means)

  • Open to listening to thoughts (that is definitely going to get me into trouble

I learned that when I see things through my third eye that is just a reflection of what others are seeing that concern me. Apparently “seeing” isn’t my gift but it is all about hearing things. The other day I heard a very audible and loud rendition of “Unchained Melody” by the Righteous Brothers in my head. There were no electronics running in the house since I was still in bed but it totally sounded like the radio was on and that's what I was hearing.

I realized that I have been hoping for this reunion between me and Jax but I really don’t see another man in the picture for me anytime soon. Like I said, relationships have never been my top priority or even my strong suit. It’s just me and Dad right now. My sister is visiting with her kids which is nice since Dad is their last grandparent. Both grandmothers passed during the lockdowns. Death is never fun and I appreciate getting to spend this time with him. I am totally glad I was able to be their support system when I moved back to town in ‘05. It’s hard to contemplate your own parents getting weaker and having to turn the tables and then parent them. If you are reading this, could you pray for my dad, I’d really appreciate it. 

More to come.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Diary Entry 4: The Cards Get In On The Act

Okay, now the cards are getting in on the act. I just pulled what I can only describe as a Hunger Games face off between the two of them, old boyfriend and Deacon. It wasn't my intention to do that. It just happened. After a while when you read and shuffle cards you can tell there is a higher power involved. You will drop a card out of the deck and think nope, that was just an accident. Put the card back into the deck and shuffle again. And heck if that same card doesn't come out a second time. It's a bit spooky in reality. But when the energy is flowing and you are connected to the creator, you are going to get some bang on messages for sure. 

Basically, Jax's readings said he was coming back to speak his truth and offer an apology. It did show that he was more in alignment than he was in the past. But there is a possibility he is spying on me. Remind me to tell you about this portal in my room where the Deep State spies on me. Don't ask me why. Must be boring as heck for those who monitor it. 

In between the two readings is a Queen of Swords and the Justice Card. It's kind of like the negotiator cards separating the reading. To me this is saying the last two blog readings where I meld truth and fiction is somehow impacting both these guys in different ways. It could be just a release of karma or some specific info they didn't know spoke to them. I don't know. I just know the story is having an impact and now even the cards are on Deacon's side. He is definitely winning this death match. 

Deacon's reading said he is a leader, a spiritual wise one who wants to offer a cup of love. (?) This just seems too out of the ordinary to be right. The Lovers and the soul mate cards are also on his side which is freaky. There is a new venture/project he is contemplating starting or joining which has something to do with children. It is something that is secret and I am feeling it might be a bit of a rough road which will contain fights he might not always win. I think I know what this has to do with but I will clarify later. 

The fact that the Lovers *and* Soul mate cards have shown up on Deacon's side is concerning. You have to understand something about this guy. He is not the type of person who would cheat on his wife. It's not who he is. So I am thinking the Queen of Swords and Justice mean something more than what I originally thought.  That queen has a tendency to speak harsh cutting words and justice can mean some sort of legal paperwork has been filed. I know nothing for sure. It's just a reading. But there is definitely something going on here that is more than it seems. 

This big new venture Deacon is considering has something to do with guiding children who have endured Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), counseling them and eventually finding them new parents or returning them to their families. Not much has been spoken of this in the main stream media but I think this topic will have to be dealt with eventually. They won't be able to turn their cameras away from this forever. This venture is similar to This in some way.

just as a side note, this spiritual guy has created one heck of a good support system in his life in a very short period of time. So, I am sure if something does happen to his marriage he has any number of people who will catch him when he falls. 

I told you how earlier Mr. Pendulum told me how Noah was my brother in spirit, Marcus, right? Just got the message today that says my mom's experience back then will assist him and they, whomever "they" are want me to help him. If Noah really wants that information, I will definitely give it to him personally. He only needs to ask me.  I won't put it on this blog because truthfully this stuff is so over the top the fallout from it all could be truly epic. 

I am not sure how I feel about this reading. I do get the impression I am being manipulated for a greater good. I am just not on board with how "they" are going about it. I am taking no action on any of this because it just feels off. 

I pulled another reading about Jax this morning and the cards were playing nice again. I am wondering if my cards and Mr. Pendulum are bipolar. They are sure varied in their readings. Could just be more timeline jumping, though. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Diary Entry 3 - Me, My Bestie and the Job


Diary Entry 3 - Me, My Bestie and the Job

I just realized that I failed to mention who I am. I am Tori Waters. Ad Designer by trade but in 2012 I was one of the first few oracle and tarot readers on YouTube. The genre has kind of exploded since then and the whole Tube-verse is flooded with people who do this sort of thing for a living. That wasn’t my intention when I started my channel. I did daily readings for years until I burned myself out. I wasn’t interested in doing personal readings for people. I just liked reading the cards and seeing what might be going on in the energy on that day. There is a new guy I have found on YouTube who talks about being an energy reader. I really think that is what I am. I am a good tarot reader but my PR guys just sucks. LOL. It’s because fame and all that comes with it never interested me. Plus, I am too chicken to reveal to the world in my personal universe what I do as a side hustle that makes me no money whatsoever.

Before I was a tarot and oracle reader on the Tube, I had a popular web serial called The Legacy. You are reading this entry on my blog for that spy drama I created then. I was obsessed about writing at the time. I think it gave my mind something to do. Back then I still worked in St. Louis and focusing on this fiction writing venture was better than completely stressing out. It kept me pretty even for years until I realized I needed more people to support me emotionally than just me. That was when I moved back to my hometown working at my town’s newspaper practically doing the same job I did in St. Louis. Did I take a pay cut? Heck yeah. But as you may have gleaned from above, money has not always been my biggest motivator.  I run in cycles. I get really motivated to do something and I do it with gusto. I put all my energy into it. Then I burn out and find something else to obsess about. It’s my thing, it’s what I do.

I do have one person I can talk with about all this spiritual stuff. Her name is Calliope. She is a very vibrant being and kinda glows this golden hue. With a ready smile and positive demeanor she always puts you in a good mood every time you see her. Her aura is just one of happiness and joy. If you are feeling down and spend just a bit of time with her you will discover you have turned that frown upside down without even trying. She is that powerful. I am lucky she is in my life and shares all this craziness with me. She is one of the few people who actually believes me when I tell her about my pendulum ramblings. It’s nice to have a friend who can see past the crazy. Plus, I like to get her input and see what she thinks of Mr. Pendulum’s latest warblings.

Diary Entry 2 - Archangel Michael and the Other Guy

So, I thought I might tell you a bit about the other guy. The one Archangel Michael favors. Originally this guy's higher self was a mystery to me. Mr Pendulum was keeping mum on who it was. Kept telling me I wasn't allowed to know. Then one day, the secret was out and Archangel Michael was on the scene.  Doesn't he have some war in Heaven to fight? Why is he suddenly really so interested in me and gaining my favor?

So anyway, the guy, he is a deacon at my church. He sometimes fills in and does sermons since he is a real motivational type of guy. Probably was Tony Robbins in another life. His wife is the sweetest thing ever. Sings on the worship team. I can already hear the question you are pondering. A tarot reader goes to church? Yep. I was on the worship team for eons but after mom died, it was all too overwhelming and I had to take a break. Still on that break, by the way. But I do go to church. Great place to connect with God. It's like going into an energetic portal of deep connection. I understand why people think I am weird. My first deck of tarot cards scared the crap out of me. They are really just tools. You use your own connection to God to interpret the meaning. God gives you the cards you need and you tell the story of them. It is not too different from writing a blog like this. You just go with the flow. 

So, anyway, the guy. His name is Noah Stone. He has a big family and posts on social media a lot showing off his grandkids. I can't believe people my age have grandkids. I am only in my early fifties so it's not like I am ancient or anything. This guy was also a career military guy. Which is probably why AA Mike is tying to get between Noah and wifey. I mean this girl is the catch. The fact that they are together gives the rest of us hope we can find our perfect match too. If only my trust gauge wasn't broken.  There might me hope for me. A love connection would be nice. Not really thinking that is truly in the cards for me but the Universe (aka THE God) and AA Michael seem intent on thrusting me together with someone for a purpose I can't quite fathom yet. It's a mission of sorts, I'm sure. If you are reading this you have to be on my Legacy blog. So there will be spies involved at some point. Something to look forward to, I guess. I think I must have been a spy in another life. We will get into my other lives later. Especially the one where I was a prophetess (think Delphi) but I was cursed. The curse made no one believe my insights. That's what happens when gods get jealous. They curse you. It's a whole story. I'll tell you later when it is more appropriate. 

Okay, back to the other guy. He was career military and probably exposed to a lot of secrets those normies among us may never see. So my idea about how AA Mike and the Universe might get between them is that they will infer she strayed while he was working for The Man. I have heard a lot of sob stories about how girls left their guys out in the cold while they were working or away or whatever. Seems plausible. 

Maybe about three months ago this guy showed up in my readings out of the blue. It was just weird. I told you about how Mr. Pendulum lies and he goes into this whole story about how Noah is really my brother Marcus. Marcus is my brother in spirit. He died when he was born. Like I am really going to buy this at first glance. Mr. Pendulum has to work for this one and goes into this whole diatribe about how Marcus was taken at birth and my parents were just told he died. Then he was sold on the black market or wherever babies go to get adopted out to unsuspecting parents who are willing to pay for a child. I told you. It’s just crazy pants what Mr. Pendulum can come up with when he is on a mission to get you to do something. So, this whole Noah is really Marcus thing goes on for a while and they reveal to me who in our community was responsible for the kidnapping. I am not going to really go into that part since some of what Mr. Pendulum says does come to pass eventually. Lets just say that one of the perpetrators died recently and paperwork was found revealing stuff. Untoward stuff. Stuff you really don’t want your family to know you were involved in.

I want to speak a little bit about timelines and how they jump around. This whole Noah is Marcus thing has gone back and forth so many times it has made my mind spin. Mr. Pendulum says that oh, Noah is your brother, but you guys are meant to be together romantically. I had to have a literal little talk with Mr. Pendulum and who he is connecting to and explain how you just don’t take up romantic relations with your siblings. It’s weird and gross. Then the timeline suddenly jumps and the next day, oh, Noah is not Marcus. Marcus is a truther he works alongside. Really? This back and forth changing of the story makes my head hurt and wonder what drugs Mr. Pendulum used in his youth. 

I have come to the conclusion that this whole Marcus thing is a bunch of poppycock and I will not let that stuff come into my readings any more. Then suddenly I wasn’t getting anything about Deacon or his gal. Kind of a relief actually. At one point a while back Mr. Pendulum told me that in 1986 a Light Realm Grid was created on the Earth. This grid was made of very spiritual people dotted all over the planet. I assumed at the time me and Deacon (aka Noah) were picked simply because we were related and they paired up females and males in one location to be a single grid point. Now I am not sure how this factors into anything and it just might have been cool intel the galactics or gods or whomever is speaking through Mr. Pendulum wanted me to know.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Diary Entry 1: Meet Mr. Pendulum


Diary Entry 1: Meet Mr. Pendulum

I watched a video recently that introduced me to the pendulum. You are supposed to connect directly to God and channel this info through your higher self and be in a relaxed and protected state. I always ask for God to connect with me but after a while I realized that a lot of different entities think they are “God”. It is my opinion that the Greek and Roman pantheon characters were really that time’s royalty slash movie stars and not actually “Gods” and “Goddesses” but they coined the terms and sometimes come through to me as if they are God,  you know, THE God. But they aren’t. And it is annoying as heck.

Originally, when I started with the pendulum I was getting things about my old boyfriend. And since there was only one from my past, I know who they are referring to when the ideas come out. Then later I was getting all sorts of odd things like new team members on my spiritual team and these people were actually still alive, as if I was talking to their higher selves or something and they were guiding me. Even got a guy name Sona who is a rapper and likes to refer to himself as the Devil. Kinda freaked me out for awhile since who wants to admit to talking to the actual Devil?

After awhile of doing this pendulum thing, and pairing it with my tarot readings, I had begun to refer to the pendulum as Mr. Pendulum. It’s a thing, He acts like a person and responds like a person… so he needs a name, right? I like to use the device to get clear info on who is who in my tarot readings. After a while, it would just start talking to me and telling me things. Kinda bizarre and freaky but after you spend time doing it, it just seems normal.

I use a really generic dousing chart with just numbers and letters. Looks like this: (see chart to left)

Pretty simple yet effective. Most people use the pendulum to ask yes or no questions. I suck at coming up with questions that will gain me the knowledge I seek. My usual quandary is: So, what do I need to know today God, One Source Of All? I add that last part so I can just be clear who I am talking to. I am talking to God, THE God.

Lately, the readings have gotten pretty crazy. Archangel Michael has gotten into the picture. He has told me that there is a person in my life who he is the higher self of and apparently we are supposed to be together. But unfortunately, this guy is happily married and AA Michael seems adamant to break them up. I am not falling for that crap. He has even gone so far to say that me and my old boyfriend, us being together is not an option any more. Huh. Really? I haven’t seen the guy in 25 years. I think that train passed, by-passed and took another track long ago.

So, I thought I'd tell you a bit about old boyfriend. His name is Jax Temple and he worked for years at a big name airline. Now he is more on the administrative side and takes frequent breaks to be an FAA detective of plane crashes.  He is actually really good at it. Never seen him do it in person but I have a very good imagination. Jax doesn't do anything halfway. He is good looking in that Greek God sort of way. He was metro-sexual before the term was made up. His family is not exactly connected to the mob but I wouldn't rule out a Deep State connection. If you've watched a truther video or two on YouTube, you probably know who I'm talking about. 

We live pretty far away from each other so needless to say I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he broke up with me back in '95. It was a breakup by phone. I really didn't see it coming. It's not you, it's me," he said. And that pretty much broke me for any future relationships. My trust gauge doesn't function anymore. 

I know he had a new girl back then because I got a crazy call at work one day chastising me for sending the dude a Christmas card. Really? My brother wanted me to tell Jax hi from him so I felt prompted to send it.  What I got in return was a crazy woman yelling at me on the phone. Is it no wonder I don't own a smart phone? So much bad phone karma in my past. 

Like I said, I don't know Jax from Adam anymore. I mentioned it's been 25 years, right? But at the beginning of 2021 after the year from hell where my mother passed away during lockdown and flipped my world upside down, the cards starting foretelling of a reunion between me and him. I haven't seen him yet. It's already July so I am not holding my breath for him to show up. 

I am not sure if I relayed this important info about Mr. Pendulum. He doesn't always speak the truth. And that drives me nuts more than anything else. He said the financial reset they have been waxing poetic about on YouTube was supposed to happen July 1st.  It's way past that now. See? He lies sometimes. 

The first message I got about Jax said he was looking for friends from his past. Mr. Pendulum called him Money Man in that reading. So now sometimes in my tarot readings he comes up as a King of Pentacles. Pentacles is all about money, wealth and abundance. He is in fact a King of Wands since his zodiac sign is one of fire. Wands represent fire, creativity, inspiration and divine energy. Honestly, he is a better fit as a Pentacle. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Codename: Pallas -- New mission for The Legacy

 I have been considering staring a new mission. This one will be based on blog entries or diary entries posted by Tori Waters. She is a tarot oracle reader. She just does it for fun on YouTube. But she has gotten out of the practice for a few years and is now taking back up that mantle. To add to her new age experience, she is using the pendulum and a basic dousing chart with just letter and numbers. Using this tool along with tarot, she discovers that her life is a lot more complex than she originally suspected.
