Thursday, December 02, 2021

Chapter 3 - The North Pines and the Merrily X-Guys


Chapter 3 - The North Pines & The Merrily X-Guys 

By Toni Walker *

Hello, it’s me, JT Case McFee, the Mailman from the Mount Trail Owlery. I want to tell you about an interesting concept from my friend ToeKnee, it’s about a new family of Christmas Royalty. These are not a family exactly, but in the real world you know, sometimes you must build your own family and take it on the go. This family is called the North Pines Royalty and they have this concept that is really divine, you see. There is a Saint Claue in effect on December two four, it is a clause they all really adore. Because on that day they can become any name they need to be. So MarkATT and ToeKnee become Mr & Mrs Saintstone, you see. The saint in this clause is really Saint Nick, you know that knight that’s said to put toys in kid's shoes don't you know, the type of toys kids never refuse or outgrow.  Well Olive and Nick, (that is ToeKnee and MarkATT) they dole out these olives at midnight on Christmas Eve.  Then on that Midnight Hour, out the olives go, to every house located so far below. (I don't mean below in the South Lands but below in the Real World, don't you know. There are no reindeer or elves to be seen, just a little group of do-gooders, that group called the NP.

Those olives are really clever, you see. They are directly connected to the ADIC.So, the ADIC it already knows exactly what everyone needs, don’t cha know. As Christmas unfolds, those olives break open and out flows every things that household needs to really glow. This berg wasn’t supposed to be a stress fest, you know. We are on the leading edge of thought and experience and flow. We need to be focused on those projects you see, that will help us outgrow the old things that stifle us and keep us in need. Those old ideas are rooted and so out of date, so on Christmas Eve we give those ideas a new fate. This Christmas date will bring in new ideas that is sort a winter wellspring. Those ideas come straight from the King of all Kings.

There are only a few on the North Pines Royalty. We have ToeKnee & MarkATT plus JT and Jake, Christmas Carole you see, who is the Mom of Great Scott who comes back every December Eve. Along with them we have some helping hands you see. These are Faith-H with her man Tim-E, VGee and his wife Aim-E who grants wishes to all the kiddies. Then of course there is that guy Stee, you know he became a CCM Artist eventually. Of course, ToeKnee likes to bring her brother A-Ron and some of his breed to help fill out the NP infantry. Okay, it's not an infantry but it is a bunch of fun, don't you see. We are creating a whole new concept of Christmas you see, a Christmas based on blessing all of humanity.

Let's move on this this florist shop guy name J Stan Lee. His shop in the real world is called the Village Greenery. But it is an undercover place in this land of Plenty. It's where everything blooms don't you see. So J Stan Lee has this very SpecialTea. This SpecialTea is a great asset, you see. It shows you your strengths and your abilities. You drink it or spray this tea on your face, you know, then that node inside you will really glow. The node will give a readout to the Great J Stan Lee, and he will tell you about all the assets you will need to be using, you see. He will give you that read out and outside you will go to find that great work you will need to plant and then grow.

Also, out of the back of this florist shop, you see are the Merrily X-Guys, they are the Merlins from Camelot history who created a society of elders who help out humanity. The Red Hood is in charge currently. She is Jill on the Hill with her man Jot, you see, but here in the J Stan Lee's Forestry Forge, Jot becomes Jack, who is really Mac Gray, that famous spy guy from back in the day. Jill is really Michela Forsythe, you see and they both come from ToeKnee's original Legacy. There is also that guy named The Great Scott Bund-E who uses his energetic bug army to track all the back channels of history.

Let me explain a little bit about this specific infantry, they travel throughout infamy and note down the true history and report that back to that great man J Stan Lee, who updates the history of the world constantly. We have a few ways to do this you see. We have a time tunnel out in Foundation Park that's near me. And we can travel with it anyway you know. Then all the Knights of King Arthur can flow into the ethers and show how they are really like angels with this energetic flow.

Okay, they are reminding me to tell you about the nodes. They are these little things inside us that really glow. They are little sparks of God so we all will know, that we are never alone in this great mystery we call Home. That's Earth you see, that big blue marble out in space, that home of the McFee God Hierarchy. Sometimes you will hear "Delighted to meet you." Oh, no, you must find an Merrily X-Guy or a Knight to find a wick man to help too relight thee. When they delight you they extinguish your glow, so the God G of Creation has a hard time you know, protecting you from the Bad Lands below. Wonderful, ToeKnee's Great Aunt Pootie will bestow when your node is relit and off to your great work you will go.

We have this little place in the Bad Lands you see, it is called the True South Sanctuary. There lives Jim Noble and Helen Magmus, those secret McFees, who offer true comfort to the citizens who have fallen down there you see. And show they they all have nothing to despair. The place down there is called Undiscovered Country, the small wonder in this great mission on fire, this is where the great work is truly inspired.

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