Monday, September 06, 2021

Chapter 7 - Tori - Resolutions


Chapter 7 - Resolutions

A lot has happened in the last few days.  I'm not really sure where to start. I got the whole thing wrong about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It was reversed. I'm him. Jesus. The one who saved humanity from themselves. I know, crazy pants, right?

I've kind of come to a place of peace about it. I was devastated when I thought it was Deacon and that the cycle Jesus went through might repeat. It broke me. It really did. It broke through a block I didn't even know was there. (More clarity on this later.) And I think this was God's plan. Shattering this blockage so I had real access to my heart again. I realize now that I have this intensely strong heart connection to Deacon and I am not sure anyone will be able to sever it or block it again.

They bound me twenty-five years ago. Bound my power so it wouldn't get out of control. Jax finally told me the truth. Deacon gave him access to the Portal so he could talk to me. I made him feel too much back then and it scared him. I can feel real regret there. We could have had something, but it wouldn't have been what my heart needed.  Even though I went through this journey, I'm not sure I would change it if I had a do over. I learned a lot in that quarter of my life.

Here is the gist of what happened. Truth Inc. Is an aspect of the military. They are protectors. I am not sure if they know everything about this Pallas thing, or Jesus or whatever. My codename for them is Pallas. And that might be why I am confused. Whomever the pantheon of God's are be they real people or galactics, they are coming in. This love vibe thing is happening. I am getting the time frame from now until the middle of the month. God doesn't like to date things so times may vary. It's His divine timing. His choice. He is coming down here. Yep, God, the God who loves humanity. He is going to trigger this love vibe and I am the conduit. Deacon is going to assist me since my heart will need the support.

I want to tell you something about Mary Magdalene. She was Jesus' divine counterpart. Jesus wouldn't be connected to anyone who wasn't up to his level, or as close to his level as humans can be. That makes Deacon a very powerful guy with a heart for God and it is no wonder so many people follow him to Christ. I just had to clarify that.

Apparently, Deacon works for Truth Inc. as a protector. I am calling them The Watchers. He's my personal protector. I've known him for way longer than I realized. When Jax couldn't handle loving me, Deacon came in.  Well, let me clarify, Truth Inc. came in and everyone wanted the assignment. Kind of flattering, actually. I'm the one who chose Deacon way back then, twenty five years ago.  Then they erased my memory (think Men In Black) and set me forth on a course to just live my life while they watched me.

This is why I have been so flummoxed by my card readings. When I pull a "person from the past" card, I always take it as Jax since he is the only person from my past of any significance.

I healed Jax the other day when they said he was leaving the earth plane. I think it opened his heart chakra. He wasn't dying like I thought. Maybe he was just going off planet or something. They'd be smart to hire him. He's a good man. I have a good eye for this sort of thing.

Now that my heart is finally open, it chose Deacon. He is going through his own three of swords type of heartache right now. We are both healing. I am a patient girl. I have time to wait for whatever will unfold to unfold. God only really knows what is going on there. But their relationship is history. I am not sure if they were ever married or are only partners in this protection detail or what. God tell a me she was more interested in some kind of recognition for her work than focusing on Deacon and loving him. Wow, what a dummy.

Truth Inc. has been blocking a lot of my gifts. I think they didn't want the secret to get out too soon. Military guys like to be in control of everything. It's a whole thing, I'm sure.

I found out I have been handling the burdens of the world. Not just me, every incarnation of Jesus that has ever lived on Earth is effected. We are all connected through this thread of time. Jesus made the sacrifice and we are all helping lift the burdens of the people of Earth, all of us throughout time who are connected to this Jesus essence.

So, this Pallas thing inside me, it's really Jesus in disguise. I am like the Clark Kent character and Pallas/Jesus is superman. It turns out I really do have superpowers. Who knew?

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