Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Diary Entry 21 - Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs

Diary Entry 21 - Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs

I dreamed the other night about mom and grandma. I take this as a sign I need to pay attention to since I rarely dream of them ever. There was a reunion happening at this old rundown building. Apparently, it was my family but I didn’t recognize anyone. Plus, they were the most somber of folks. No one was talking to anyone. I saw my sister, Andra and her daughter, Kell. Kell just looked weird. I could tell it was her but she looked old and wrinkled and was wearing this outdated 1940’s green silk pants suit. Mr. Pendulum said she was a street walker. Figures. I spoke to them briefly and then moved upstairs where I found mom and grandma cooking the meal for everyone. Grandma would have to be 95 by now if she were alive, which she isn’t. Not sure why they were cooking. I wanted to talk to them but there were trash bags in the way. Not just one or two but there were so many they were stacked as tall as me. Then I went outside. As I was moving toward the door, six men dressed like the seven dwarfs walked by with various colored large hats. Number seven walked by as I was exiting. Are you telling me we are going to get into fairytales now? Someone outside was looking for a bartender and I guessed dwarf seven was their man. Not sure why. Then I was on the roof where I found a couple of trash bags filled with board games. The one called Sorry stood out to me most. I contemplated bringing all the games inside so maybe these people might smile and talk to one another. Eventually, I found my way to a table where there was an unplugged tv sitting at the end of it like a table decoration. It looked exactly like the old black and white one we still own but don’t use.

I am going to try and see if this dream has any meaning farther than the obvious. If I touch on the weird God references I have been getting lately this would say that I was connecting with some family Galactics, at least the female ones. Andra is Vesta/Hera, Mom is Minerva and Grandma is Helen of Troy. And in case you were wondering, yes, Helen of Troy is in the pantheon of gods. Weird, I know. I am going out on a limb here and saying I was in contact with death incarnate, wisdom incarnate and beauty incarnate. This was happening in an old building so I assume this is an old place I used to call home. Probably the body or mind I used as Pallas back in the day. This mind is rundown and unused. Not a lot of life has been infused in this mind. It’s like it is on pause back in time. I probably saw Snow White characters in order to tell me the time period. This story was first published in 1812. So I am surprised the house looks as good as it does. My grandma and mom are cooking and that could mean spellcrafting things. Maybe they are trying to regenerate or reanimate the family (or me since this is my mind) and that is why everyone is so solemn. They are stuck in a time loop. 

All the games have been boxed up and put away so they literally have had nothing to do for hundreds of years. The game that stood out was Sorry. So it seems they did this for my own good and are sorry about it. Somehow I got unplugged from the matrix and now I have incarnated into this life. Sweet. Mom and Grandma did something that made it possible for me to come into the soulmate cycle in order for Pallas to use her regeneration/resurrection power for a specific reason not mentioned in the dream.

Not sure if that is what it really means but that is how I am interpreting it for now.

Mr. Pendulum has been giving me a lot of disinformation lately. I have to shield up and ask again just to make sure I am getting the right intel. I know when I get crap like Hades/Satan is my twin flame and not Jax that the jig is up and I need to put my protection up again.

One of the things it has tried to tell me is that Helen of Troy was Deacon’s wife. And Paris, the guy she loved, was Deacon. Nope, that came out fabricated truth. I began to wonder why a lot of this intel was trying to boost Deacon up and make him look more important than he was, at least in my mind. I received the guidance that he is also truth incarnate but he is being manipulated. I am wondering if I already mentioned this but it is always good to review.


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