Monday, July 26, 2021

Diary Entry 5 - Realizations, Reboots and Gifts


Diary Entry 5 - Realizations, Reboots and Gifts

I know you have probably come to the conclusion at this point that I must be delusional and lying to myself. You probably think, what is wrong with that girl? I know. I know. You don’t think I see how crazy this stuff sounds? My dad would call it bat shit crazy. If you have read everything to this point you must know that I am not really motivated by money or fame. Plus, I haven’t been in a real relationship since Jax back in ‘95. Dating has never been tops on my priority list. I mentioned the whole broken trust gauge, right? You would be right if you claimed my life was boring. On the outside it really is. I fill my time with reading and crafts, hobbies and now writing again. Life isn’t always the great adventure like Steven Curtis Chapman likes to sing about. 

But you need to understand something about this time in history. We are in a massive soulmate cycle just like we had back in ‘95. Coincidentally timed break up, huh? God is bringing all these soulmates together to pump up the love vibe of the planet. You might have noticed how all the truthers on YouTube keep getting deplaformed even though we all have first amendment rights of free speech in America. This is part of the overall problem we are facing as a planet. We have allowed this negative group of influencers to completely take over everything. The media is just a regurgitated bunch of facts from one or two sources that are disseminated all over the world. This gives these negative guys a bunch of power over us and for the last couple of hundred years we have been brainwashed into believing a bunch of untrue stuff that we are taking as fact simply because they tell us it is true. The people of this planet have lost their ability to discern truth from fiction.

So, this is why God is bringing all the soulmates together and why Archangel Michael is giving me such a brain freeze when it comes to Deacon. He is gathering divine connections, people who have lifetime after lifetime of strong connections. If you don’t believe in past lives, that’s okay. God is going to bring back that past soulmate into your life again anyway. You don’t need to believe in it to make it come to pass. God is doing all the work. 

This leads me to this truth… it is not just me having these crazy experiences. It is probably you too!

All this overthinking has made me rethink the Hunger Games Deathmatch reading from the other day. I have come to the conclusion that the soulmate on Deacon’s side of the reading was really his wife, Kara and not me. (Thank God.) Not that I don’t think Deacon is a worthy match, he totally is. But I am happy God thinks these two are worthy of each other too and that makes me ecstatic. I have been wondering for a while if she was an important character in this saga since, heck, they have 30 years of experience together. That is perfect fodder for the Devil and his minions to want to break apart. A strong love connection like that is not one the Devil would want to continue. Dang that guy! He is so annoying.

Anyway, let’s get back to Kara for a minute. I think she is very good at blocking her energy. So I assume that is why I haven’t been picking up on her. I merely assumed I was in the latter part of the reading since she hadn’t come up previously. I think our energy must have a similar vibe since I keep reading her as me.

I re-clarified with Mr. Pendulum and he did agree with me that it was Kara in that part of the reading and not me. Whew. Relief city over here. I am praying if they are having problems they rekindle things because they make such a good example for the rest of us to follow when it comes to having a successful relationship.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten past the hard stuff I wanted to tell you about my dream from the other night. It was pretty enlightening and I am kinda excited to see what comes of it.

I was driving my car (dream interpretation info: cars can be your own mind or body, something you use to travel, through your thoughts or through the world. Houses give a similar vibe to that but no traveling is involved.) and I realized I had no rear view mirror. (This tells me to not look backward right now, only forward.) I had to go home for some reason. (To speak to God, maybe?) So I drove through the park near my house. I came upon a roadblock that I had to bypass while in the park (The Park or Garden in Lenormand can mean community, place people congregate, reunions, the public eye, social media, etc). Instead of going left, I had to go right, the right path. When I got to the bottom of the hill in the middle of the park, the car seized up and the area behind the steering wheel turned into a big monitor screen and displayed an icon sort of like the ones you get on your computer when the thing completely dies and you have to go out and get a completely new one. Earlier I had realized that the program we use to create ads at work wasn’t in my car’s memory (I mean, why would it be?). I think this dream means that I had a complete hard restart of my brain, system, life? I don’t know. Something definitely happened.

Let me try to get a better handle on this dream and see what it really says.

Okay, I am moving forward through some sort of public thing. It could be contemplating this supposed reunion with Jax or dealing with people in my current universe but there is a block in this area of my life that I have to bypass. I am doing this by connecting to God. God does something to change me in my area of manifesting/creating. I am hard reset. I am not to look back but keep moving forward. At the end of this dream I was back at work and three different people from the airport kept coming around looking for something. In metaphysical dream interpretation it says airports are symbolic of transitions, departures or adventures in your life. It can mean beginning a new phase of your life. This is also the area where Jax works so it may have some correlation to him too. A transition in my life that could include Jax? Maybe. A new beginning or phase in my life? Could be. I am keeping my options open for now.

The cards are also reflecting this reboot. Now Deacon and I will merely work together on some project/venture he has been contemplating. He is giving his marriage a second chance (Revelation card) which I think is awesome. I hope AA Mike is okay with that too. Soulmate connections do not always have to be romantic and you will have a lot of them over your lifetime. Thank goodness. :)

Mr. Pendulum is telling me that this reboot will bring about a bunch of gifts that will blossom in my life. I guess that is the cool benefit of being rebooted, you get the prize inside the cracker jack box too! Here are a few things he told me about:

  • I’ll be open to portals to places I’ve never seen

  • Opening to perceptions of ghosts both real and imaginary (wonder what that means)

  • Open to listening to thoughts (that is definitely going to get me into trouble

I learned that when I see things through my third eye that is just a reflection of what others are seeing that concern me. Apparently “seeing” isn’t my gift but it is all about hearing things. The other day I heard a very audible and loud rendition of “Unchained Melody” by the Righteous Brothers in my head. There were no electronics running in the house since I was still in bed but it totally sounded like the radio was on and that's what I was hearing.

I realized that I have been hoping for this reunion between me and Jax but I really don’t see another man in the picture for me anytime soon. Like I said, relationships have never been my top priority or even my strong suit. It’s just me and Dad right now. My sister is visiting with her kids which is nice since Dad is their last grandparent. Both grandmothers passed during the lockdowns. Death is never fun and I appreciate getting to spend this time with him. I am totally glad I was able to be their support system when I moved back to town in ‘05. It’s hard to contemplate your own parents getting weaker and having to turn the tables and then parent them. If you are reading this, could you pray for my dad, I’d really appreciate it. 

More to come.

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