Diary Entry 20 - Brainstorms and Love Vibes
Pulled another Trump reading last night. Wasn’t my intention to do so. It just happened. The Emperor came flying out of the deck so I decided to do a celtic cross spread with it as the situation. The Emperor is a leader. Like an authority type of leader. This energy reader on YouTube calls this card the Burger King cause he always wants things his way. I gotta laugh at that. Sometimes the Emperor is me since it is also the card of Aries. I put my pendulum to it and got a no answer. Nope, not me. Hum. I ran through a list of names wondering who this could be referring to. I finally tried the last name I could think of. Trump. Big yes. Why? Why am I pulling Trump readings all of the sudden? I have a feeling it has something to do with the spellcast portal in my bedroom where the Powers That Be can see me. I guess they wanted a reading. Okay, let’s play. Time for a brainstorming session.
Apparently, Trump wants to talk to me. Again, I ask, why? I keep getting he is coming to talk to me and that just doesn’t seem realistic to me. I figure this portal thing is how he is going to do it. Probably safer. His team is wanting to offer a happily ever after type of thing to the world. They have been so oppressed for so long that everyone thinks that what we experience now is just normal. We don’t even know what normal means.
These Legacy families have known some part of the truth for a long time, Truth, Inc, The Gates Family, Limon Brothers, who knows who else had this intel back then. Maybe Templars. They have been secreting this truth. What is coming in currently is what looks like ultimate fulfillment but it’s just an illusion, a show. We are really being betrayed. The ultimate fulfillment is the Devil in disguise.
In the near future we get the Hermit card. He is a guy who keeps to himself, likes solitude and learns a whole bunch of stuff. Then he brings that stuff out and shows it to the world. Sometimes I get this card as a star being. I’ve got a feeling this is Jax’s higher self, Northman or Triton. He is going to shine a light on things and bring about some sort of justice. They will do that by using a love vibration. This will bring stability over oppression. Then the Queen of Wands, aka me, will brainstorm with them. Doing that now. Then the Devil is overcome by an offering of love. This offering seems really important. Like it was some sort of unfulfilled destiny that was denied long ago. It will add a powerful element to things.
A message will come showing how this vibration will be used. It has to do with moon cycles, sun cycles, and clockwise. This vibration will have to be guided in order to bring in peace. Maybe it is following the moon cycles or in conjunction with the moon cycles, I don’t know. But this vibration permeates everything on earth eventually and then a big Tower moment happens on earth. A sudden and swift change. This is what breaks the brainwashing.
The people will no longer have regrets. Then the population of the world with one intention will cause a shift. I think some people will call it ascension. Not sure if that will be what they all think it is but there will be a dramatic shift and everyone will know about it. Then a Magician from the “family” will come forward. This is important to really break the cycle. The Magicians caused this in the beginning and will be what ends it too. This ending also has something to do with two people coming together. Two become one. This will reveal the true strength and the trump will sound. Wake up call, second chance, an announcement.
That was like a very involved reading and probably the most detail I have ever gotten from a celtic cross before. Wow, sounds intense, doesn’t it?
You know how yesterday I mentioned the name Gates in regards to Jax’s “Family” connections. There is also another name I have been getting for a while: Limon Brothers. You probably noticed I mentioned it in the reading above. I am not sure if I am spelling that name correctly. I hear the sound of LeeMan or LeeMon Brothers when I think of it. Now these people remind me of the mob. Totally getting that Godfather feeling with this bunch. I have been pulling cards that Jax is trying to get away from a Legacy type of family. The type of family that has deep roots and goes way back. I keep pulling cards that he is walking away from them, but I assume that would be a tough thing when dealing with people like this. I really do fear for his safety and I think he is in fear as well since the stress & worry and stabbed in the back cards keep popping up.
Another thing came up that I have been wondering about for awhile. It is about Triton and Apollo and who they are on earth right now. Apollo is Zeus’s son. Triton is Poseidon’s son. On earth Apollo is Poseidon’s son and Triton is Zeus’s son. Does that not bother anyone else? I got a message via Mr. Pendulum that my real mom, Rhea, (Zeus and Poseidon’s mother) took Poseidon’s son and gave him to Zeus. Either they were both switched at birth or there is something going on here that I can’t quite wrap my mind around.
Remember how Mr. Pendulum wanted me to give Apollo characteristics like Poseidon? Now I know why. It is mind blowing how this stuff seems to work out in the end. I am just writing as I go along and you’d think none of this would resonate with earlier writings but it totally does.
I have another dream I want to tell you about and some stuff where Satan has been giving me the biggest bunch of disinformation I have gotten yet but I will leave that for my next post.
Author’s note:
FYI, if anyone is interested in brainstorming with me about all these Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, I would like someone to bounce ideas off of. Send me an email at tonispywriter@gmail.com
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