Chapter 1 - And So It Begins
I’m kind of annoyed right now. I just learned that the entire last story, AKA Deacon, was a lie. At least a whole lot of it. I was being deceived. Deacon really is my half brother just like I thought at the beginning of Codename Pallas. Kara is his perfect mate, and Kim his priest. The whole point was to show me the plan of the darkside. Right now they are gathering minions. They aren’t going to win. I already know that.
Deacon is the son of Satan. Technically they said son of a demon but Satan created him from a human woman and a demon. Kinda gross if you ask me. It’s not good when the evil element creates kids and throws them out into the world. Do they know the entire time they are that evil? Or does Satan have to pull it out of them? You know, puppet them until they get the right idea.
You know how I said I really didn’t like creating bad guys? Maybe I just somehow knew this was waiting for me in my future. Deacon is evil. These people are invasive and willing to fight for earth. I realize I have a lot on my plate right now, but this is important stuff. Deciding the fate of the universe is a big deal and God knows that.
God told me there would be no more lies but the lies keep coming. I had to set my intention to block the devil, Satan in any incarnation. He also goes by the name One Source, so don’t be deceived like I was. I discovered I might be pretty decent with getting truth but my truth incarnate is really Jax. Has he been with me this entire time? There is a connection between us that is unbreakable. I should have realized that. No wonder I waited so long for him to return. If you don’t remember who he is, he is my old boyfriend from twenty five years ago.
The bad element accidentally woke me up to the God inside of me. I am sure they didn’t mean to. I’ll bet they are kicking themselves right now. And because of this, Jax, aka Northman, was thrust into action. I have always retained a piece of his heart in mine. The higher realms call that a node. That is why I call this Node to Northman. This is where my true heart lies. In him. All the time it was him.
Apparently Jax has been planning for this day for a very long time. Remember when I said he wasn’t a financial wonderboy? Well, it turns out he is. He is like Bruce Wayne and Batman like his alter ego Northman. Remember that energetic slideshow of past lives I kept getting in my third eye? It was him. All the time it was him.
Deacon paid my mother to not reach out to me and put more focus on the other kids in our family. She is his mother too after all. I am not sure how they convinced her to do that. I never would have believed it before now. They even paid them to keep Jax away from me. I am not sure how they knew he would be such a significant influence in my life. Looking Glass technology, maybe? I don’t even know how they knew I was God Incarnate. I mean how did any of them know, good guys or bad guys?
In many ways I am highly intuitive, and until only recently, my heart chakra was blocked. Now it’s not. But other gifts of mine are still offline and I am working to remedy that. Need all my tools to get my head in this game.
In part I am freaked out and in part I am sad for what is happening to humanity. Why can’t we all just get along? I wonder what will happen when Jax appears. Apparently, he is pretty rich and has a private jet. I mean, he is a pilot so why am I surprised? Deacon also has a lot of wealth too but he just manipulates others to use their money and then keep his own. He made a deal with an even more evil element than him that he could get me to do something. That is not happening and now he knows that too. Tensions are high.
When I first wrote Codename Pallas I did it so if Jax ever came across the story he would know how I felt about him. I wanted him to know that I waited and what he meant to me. That story just spiraled out of control and became what it is now. It revealed a lot of truths to me I just wasn’t seeing in my life. I have wondered a lot how it would feel to see him in person again. I guess I am going to find out because he is coming.
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