I am probably going to write this new blog book much like I did my last one. It will have a dual perspective using both Noah Stone and Tori Waters as main characters. You will see many people from the previous story which will make this fun for me. It will be written in a narrative format and will take longer to write so plan on at least a chapter once or twice a week.
Welcome to The Legacy. Franklin Fairchild and his sons, Ethan and Kevin have embarked on a new mission to help people overcome obstacles in their lives. Using their SIM machine, their quick thinking and a lot of grace from God, they tackle every mission with a big heart, a smile and a hug. Our Legacy Spies have become part of the "look for the helpers" mission.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
New story being planned - AKA Deacon
I am probably going to write this new blog book much like I did my last one. It will have a dual perspective using both Noah Stone and Tori Waters as main characters. You will see many people from the previous story which will make this fun for me. It will be written in a narrative format and will take longer to write so plan on at least a chapter once or twice a week.
Monday, August 30, 2021
Diary Entry 36 - The Revelations Are Over
Diary Entry 36 - The Revelations are over
I had a real Revelation today.
This whole thing, Operation Pallas, has been a lie. One big manipulation to find out about the Romanovs. The Powers That Be, Deep State, Limon Bros., whatever they want to be called somehow knew I would be able to access the answer they needed and created this big over the top operation to make it happen. Talk about a colossal waste of money. Didn't they realize I was just making everything up as the days went along. Maybe they did, and that was the plan.
They were looking for the Romanovs and they found them thanks to me. I'm such a sucker. They were planning for Deacon to pursue me romantically and today I was getting all sorts of things via Mr Pendulum. It said Deacon worked for the State Department and Kara was an agent he sometimes used for long term ops. They weren't really married, it was all an act. And I was falling for it too. My heart was considering things it never considered before. Then the tone of my pendulum reading changed and I knew it was a lie. I'd been duped. I even cried. I never cry.
They probably got a real kick putting one over on me. Playing with people's emotions must be like tennis or Tetris, a really fun past time. At this point I am not sure any of this was real. Oh, the stuff about me was real, but the rest... It's a toss up.
There is not going to be a love connection (Jax or Deacon) or a love triangle or whatever they were planning. I'm done. It's over. Good luck on wherever you go next Deacon. Hope you have a good life. But I have to warn you, karma is not a friendly thing for people who purposely manipulate others.
This is the final entry in the Pallas mission... The last Pallas.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Diary Entry 35 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Diary Entry 35 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I learned some new cool things today. I mean, I learn something new every day but today was just extra enlightening.
As I was driving to church i was wondering about the Greek & Roman Gods and how they were the same people in each pantheon but with different names. It kind of hit me that those weird experiments they were doing during Atlantian times might factor into this. The experiments the Atlantians did back then led to their society's demise. So I figured this might connect like a lost puzzle piece.
My thought was that these Atlantian scientists were trying to manipulate DNA and working to see why these "gods" had so many powers beyond those of mortal men (I couldn't resist the Superman innuendo). My theory is that during a big experiment something went wrong and they split these gods into two people. Have you ever seen one of those bubbles kids blow where one bubble has two segments? It is kinda like that. This what happened to the gods.
Then later, after church I got a weird message how way back in the day Apollo had paled and died. What? Gods die? His Sun energy went out and it was transferred to Apollon, Artemis' brother. I figured Apollon just adopted the name Apollo so as not to confuse all the little people, you know, all those Apollo fans who built temples to him and whatnot. Whenever I get messages about Apollo it is always spelled Opollo. Not sure why. There might be a significant reason I am sure I will learn later.
Apollon was also the name of a guy in revelations only spelled a little differently. This might freak Deacon out a bit but it is still my belief that all the info we have about Apollo is related to this second incarnation of the god. The one in Revelations seems like a pretty nasty dude.
Then I started getting these weird messages about how Limon Brothers was tracking my star essence. What does that even mean?
Later it was revealed Pallas is indeed my higher self. (We have a lot of higher selves shuffling going on in this episode). Then the big reveal came... Pallas is not really a god, she is a star. The star Vega. North Man came clean and said he was a star too. He is Polaris. Ah ha! He's the North Star! Now the name makes sense. He is also Deacon's higher self. I think Satan may have been manipulating Mr Pendulum when I received the info at the beginning of the Pallas story where it said Deacon's higher self was Archangel Michael. (Sorry, Deacon) The Deep State's intrusion into my pendulum readings has been pretty blatant and annoying. I am having a bit of a hard time deciding what is real and what isn't. (This morning Hestia came through and clarified that Jax's higher self is Northman and Deacon's higher self is Opollon. These people give me brain freeze.)
So, this is the story I am getting about Vega and Polaris. These star beings, along with all the gods from the Greek/Roman pantheons, descended to earth to assist Gaia with her ascension. In another language Vega means falling or landing. I can see how the descent of these star beings could look like fallen angels to someone from back in the day. Diana the Hunter, aka Artemis, assisted the Atlantians with changing these star beings into people. (This is probably when the whole double bubble thing happened.) They explained it was like jumpstarting a car battery but different. Apparently, there are still a lot of star beings on earth, they just don't know they came from the actual stars.
Then it was revealed (lots of revelations today, hope it's not a sign) that Apollo had stolen Pallas. Hestia found out about this and Apollo threatened her by telling her he'd reveal her secret liaisons with King Ignatius. Then he gave Pallas to Satan who claimed her as his own. Wow, does this sound like a heavenly soap opera or what? (Hestia says Ignatius is thrilled to be in the story and Hestia said she didn't know God would grant her any favors. My story has awakened hers and she is grateful.)
Yesterday I had a weird knowing that all these Romanovs who went forward in time had some sort of supernatural powers which so threatened people back in the day they would rather kill them than actually have to deal with them one day. Mr Pendulum says they are descendants of these original star beings.
I'm not sure how I feel about all this. It's kind of weird but really not beyond my realm of belief. I can totally see this being true. Weird but true.
Diary Entry 34 - We are one and the superhero inside us
Diary Entry 34 - We are one and the superhero inside us
I don't know if you have noticed but something big is definitely going down right now. It's a battle of good and evil. You know how you keep hearing about a war in Heaven and how the Angels and Galactics and other people are fighting it? Well, there is a war and it is happening right now on earth right before our eyes and we aren't seeing it. We're missing it because we were purposely dumbed down by mainstream media brainwashing and our smart phones. We're just too distracted to notice the big showdown going on between God, the Devil and the Deep State.
You might wonder, what can we do, we normal humans? We are powerless. Oh, but you are so wrong.
You know all of those superhero movies that keep coming out one right after another? They, the Deep State, were preparing us for something big to occur. And not in some far distant future, but right now.
You think, or they make you think, these fantastical people are going to come down and save us. And that's not it at all. Here is the real secret... We are all these superheroes... All of us. And we are going to be doing the saving.
The first thing I ever learned when I woke up, got red pilled, enlightened, whatever you want to call it, was that we are all one. Let me explain. You know how we all have God inside us? That piece of God inside us is called our soul. And this soul is connected to God, which is connected to everyone else, everywhere. So imagine that God is a planet and we live on this planet. We are each our individual selves, just like molecules are individual cells of a greater whole. God is the greater whole and we are the molecules living on his surface.
Just imagine that piece of God inside us is connected to the greater whole. So you can connect to anybody, even people no longer on the earth plane, they are still there inside God. Your soul is this immense thing (think galaxy big) that would never fit into into a human body. Souls are just mere slivers of God. We are like seeds of God, he is the beach and we are the grains of sand. God is one of those puffy white dandelions and we are the seeds he blows into the wind to do his work. He scatters us and we end up exactly where we need to be. Do you understand this concept now, we are all one?
You also have super powers inside you just like those superheroes you watch. Why do you think there are so many superheroes with so many different types of powers? It's us! There is a superhero universe, a multi-verse, and probably other verses I can't think of right now. This is us when we are in our true power. You think God makes wimpy people? The Greek and Roman Gods were people just like us. They were real but they were empowered, accessing their true nature.
This is reminding me of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. He pulled the sword out of the stone to prove he was the true and right king. We all need to do this for ourselves, pull our virtual sword out of the stone and let loose that God power inside us.
I know something big is going down because the Deep State is being so obvious. I can't believe no one else is seeing it. I think when people know to be looking the awareness will come in. They, the Deep State, Limon Bros., have been hijacking my pendulum readings like crazy. I will be getting a good insight and then the feed will change, as if I had turned to another channel and another message starts pouring through. I have to tell them to stop that and go back to the original message I was getting. They are kind of annoying like that and it is so obvious. They playing with me as if they are a 4 year old and I am the adult.
The portal in my room is not a portal like a wormhole or doorway. It is more like an energetic intercom. Jax used it a few times this weekend to talk to me. (He is still too chicken to come and see me in person.) And I was getting his messages through my pendulum. No wonder Mr Pendulum sometimes lies, it is a communication device they can hijack.
I am somehow freaking the dark side out. Me. The girl who hasn't had a boyfriend since '95 and whose most major accomplishments have been singing in the worship team, stitching like a mad woman and reading like a maniac. They had me in a time of pause where I learned a lot, grew and advanced. God was working on me every day. So here we are now and me, this nondescript person, is scaring the pants off the Deep State. It's the truth incarnate part of me, I'm sure. The truth is a scary thing and I'm not afraid of it, but the Deep State is.
I got a new insight yesterday. It wasn't just me and mom who traveled forward in time. The entire Romanov family was brought forward. We were scattered to the wind across the globe like that dandelion. It said Deacon's dad was my dad and he was still alive too, just like my mom is still alive. You definitely want to keep a Tzar alive. Can you imagine the stories he could tell? So Deacon and me, we are siblings after all, just not the siblings I thought we were. He came forward in time too. But he is more in the know since he was in the military and is connected to Trump who is good friends with Vladimir Putin. It's a whole story, I'm sure.
One of the things that kept getting interrupted was a feed about my uncle's first wife, Lara. She is married to a hot shot entrepreneur (I say that in the nicest way) who has made it big. They started this group called Rise Up. I think this group is going to be important or maybe a launching point for something bigger, more focused on Deacon and Jax's vision for SRA kids and elderly who have been taken advantage of. It's going to be a big deal... I just have a good feeling about it.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Diary Entry 33 - It all comes down to this
Diary Entry 33 - It all comes down to this
Okay, now I have seen everything. Just when you think you have a handle on what is going on, you don't.
Yesterday afternoon I received some weird message how I was a Romanov. Really? The messages are all Russian focused and is kinda going along the lines of my current narrative where my parents are really Russian sleeper agents. It didn't make sense why Pallas would be placed with them and it was boggling my mind trying to figure it out. I have a feeling my codename is just Pallas and all this Greek Gods stuff was just a smokescreen to keep me busy while they figured out the details about what to do with me. I think the fact that the gods are protecting earth, that is real, but me being a part of that now is iffy at best.
Here is what I have been getting through Mr. Pendulum. My real name is Ophelia Romanov. My dad was Tzar Nicholas of Russia. My mom, the one who is dead or missing or being protected or whatever, is Sophia Romanov, Nicholas' wife. Deacon is Nathaniel Romanov and he died when the Romanovs were all executed back in 1918. So Nathaniel is his past life. Ophelia is my current life. Apparently Mom, aka Sophia, and me were sent to hide in the future. It's like Back to the Future but in reverse. The pendulum said it was to protect my legacy. I had to know who would do such a thing. The answer I got was Vladimir Putin.
All I can figure out is that Putin went back in time, wormholes from previous chapters make so much more sense now, and cherry picked us out of the timeline. We were supposedly dead, executed, so it didn't effect the timeline, and brought to 1978 where we were inserted to live out the rest of our lives.
Back in '78 when I fell off that 15 ft ledge, I blacked out while I was falling. I felt like I had jumped out of my body and was just hovering above in this black space. You would think I would see that light and tunnel if I had fallen to my death but it was just black. No light of God to guide me home. I dove back into my body because I knew mom would be mad if I stayed up there hovering all day. And I guess that is how I began my life as Tori. I always wondered if the original Tori was going to die that day and I just took her place not messing with the timelines at all.
Did my soul just travel forward in time or was it my body too. I will probably never know. Right after I discovered I was a Romanov, Tarot by Janine in a Deep Dive Friday episode spoke about how royals were switched out and their lives taken over. I wasn't exactly taken over. I was just taken out of time. So far I am not taking it all too seriously. Mr Pendulum does tend to lie to me sometimes. I will play it by ear for now.
I was guided to look up the name of Ophelia and its meaning. Her name means Help. That blew me away. My total mission statement in life has been to help. Wow. Is that synchronicity or what?
Friday, August 27, 2021
Chapter 32 - The Russian Connection
Chapter 32 - The Russian Connection
“Yes, sir.” Gia Doyle listened intently to her superior officer. She nodded as he spoke in a crisp Russian accent. The prefect of the Russian Legacy House, Mikhail Kassoff was livid.
“I understand that, sir,” she continued. “We only needed to set the intention and let Jax know we were interested in her. She did the rest. They are energetically connected. All of them are, actually.”
That seemed to calm the Russian prefect who had originally placed Tori Waters with the Waters family years earlier.
“Yes, she does know that she is truth incarnate, but I don’t think she takes it seriously, sir.”
Gia tapped a long red nail on the desk. “We’re getting close, sir. I think it is almost time. The world seems to be ramping up in intensity. Tori’s governor just put new mask mandates in place. That should trigger a few thousand people to act in the best interest of the world. It’s amazing to watch when you know what is going on.”
Once Mikhail was appeased that things were still on track he ended the connection. Gia felt good that she had managed to bring the distraught emotions of the Russian prefect down a few notches to a reasonable level. Tori’s story was really triggering a lot of people, probably more than even she realized. Gia really wanted to be in the room when it all went down. The Gods were going to come to earth and look for her. Mikhail had hidden her pretty well but the time had come for things to come to an apex.
Noah Stone, Tori’s “Deacon”, was probably the most affected since he was the one who had lost her in the first place. Hard to place blame on an eight-and-a-half year old, though. She was the older sibling, just not from the family she thought she was from.
Gia shoved the Pallas file back into the file cabinet and resumed her normal Legacy work. Not everything she did was for her current employers and she liked to keep her two lives separate. Limon Brothers was on a mission and the mission was Tori and company saving the world.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Diary Entry 31 - Soulmate Shuffle
Diary Entry 31 - Soulmate Shuffle
I realize right now I am living in a world where unrealistic expectations are rampant. The Pretend-ancy wants you to believe all the drivel coming out of their mouths. They are trying to divide everyone into the jabbed and the unjabbed, just another word for racism if you ask me. We don’t need to be divided. We need to be united. United as a planet. When we are united as a planet, we will be able to do magical things, almost supernatural.
There is a theory going around that we live in a matrix, a simulation. Where we really live outside this virtual world and we are just energetic depictions of ourselves. Based on what has been happening to me this week, I can almost believe that.
Did you ever see the episode of Stargate: Atlantis where Shephard, Teyla, McKay, et. al. go to a planet and for a few of them, every bad thing seems to befall them? I remember now, they thought they were going back to Earth, but it wasn’t really Earth. Someone was fooling them into believing it was. Anyway, a few of the characters had bad experiences on the planet. This is from how they were focusing, what they were thinking and what they were expecting. Shepherd realized from almost the get-go that what he wanted seem to appear as if from nowhere. He strengthened this muscle throughout the show until suddenly he was getting everything he wanted and more. I think this is how Earth really is. Remember, the Deep State has to show you the truth and they do that through movies, news and tv shows. They are essentially “programming“ us.
Tony Robbins always liked to say “what would you do if you knew you could not fail?” What would you do? How would you live if that alternate Stargate Earth was really how this Earth was to its most basic level? It’s like the Earth’s most well-kept secret. And if we could all get our thoughts in check, we could be living this amazing life. But the baddies, the Deep State, have so programmed us that we go to the negative thought first and thus create our world starting from that point.
This week I had been having a heck of a mind boggle.You know those times when you learn a disturbing truth and that truth seems to change how you see everything? I received an insight about Jax. Not sure if it was true or not but that doesn’t matter. In my mind, I was taking it as truth and it started to change my readings both pendulum and tarot. It was as if a magician had come in and taken over the place. One day it would be all about Jax and how he was my soulmate and he was coming in and it was all going to be wonderful and glorious. Then the next day, after that so called truth was told, Deacon became the focus of the readings and it was all about him and how he was having trouble with Kara and they had filed paperwork for a divorce. My, how things seem to change in an instant, huh?
That evening Northman wanted to get into the action too. He was telling me how he was my first soulmate and that was the most powerful kind. He was a planet and I was a star and Deacon was the sun. I could only assume figures like this could have relationships on an energetic level which is why I keep getting the slideshow of past lives in my third eye every night. Now suddenly he is coming in and it is going to be wonderful and glorious and whatever else was said. It’s all a blur.
All three of these people cannot be my soulmate. And at this point I am not sure if I want any of them to be my soulmate. What I really want is for the movie to end and magically all the Dead in Christ arise. You know the ones I mean. Those favorite actors or singers or even parents and siblings who we thought died suddenly come back to life again. They weren’t really dead. It was all for pretend, just like the Pretend-ancy with Biden & Co. It’s all a big smoke screen.
I am still getting there is going to be some sort of energetic love vibe going out all over the planet which I think will break the brainwashing and heal everyone. I am hopeful for that. And if I get to be a part of it, great! That will be fun.
As far as soulmates go, I will believe them when I see them actually come in and take claim of what they believe is their destiny. Or as Marty McFly’s dad would say, their density.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Diary Entry 30 - Cut It Out!
Diary Entry 30 - Cut It Out!
I'm trying to think how I might react if literal Greek Gods descended on my room. Mr Pendulum told me to make room. I can just see them coming in all majestic and haughty and then tripping over all the piles of crap in my room like Jerry Lewis. That would be funny. To me anyway. How large do you think Gods are? Apparently the energetic doorway in my room is still active. Does that mean the portal is back up too? Are they able to see me again? I had gotten a message that Limon Brothers had reopened it in order for Jax to come through since he lived so far away. Deacon was somehow involved in this too. Still boggles my mind that the two of them know each other. Mr Pendulum called them the Pilot and the Priest. Sounds like the title of a book or a made-for-tv movie, doesn't it?
After yesterday’s revelation about my family, my mind has been a bit bound up. You grow up thinking you have the perfect family with parents that love you and siblings that don't’ hate you. Then the hammer drops and you realize it has all been a lie. They definitely deserve the academy award for acting as if, as if they loved me, as if they cared. Kind of depressing, actually.
I am sitting here wondering exactly what Uranus wants to talk to Jax about. He has already told me he doesn’t think Jax is good enough for me. If you are unclear who Uranus is, he is the grandfather of the Olympian Gods (Zeus & Co.) He and Gaia are like the first couple, the Adam and Eve of the Greek God pantheon. Why do you think he is so down on the guy? Does he even know him? I think the gods all favor Deacon because of Apollo. That guy must have some pull upstairs. It’s probably about Archangel Michael too. Who doesn’t respect the crap outta that guy? (Note: AA Michael is Deacon’s higher self, not sure what that makes Apollo, sometimes all these connections are beyond my comprehension.)
The Devil was at it again yesterday. It all started as if Archangel Michael was speaking to me. He was on me again about Deacon and telling me he liked me or found me attractive or whatever. This felt like a cajoling, trying to convince me of something, energy. The whole thing just felt insidious. The more I explained how I just won’t pursue a married man, the more adamant he became. Then something was said that made me realize this wasn’t AA Mike.It was the Devil (aka Wooded Man) masquerading as him. Sneaky bugger! It’s no wonder the Devil can drive people crazy on this planet, driven to do things that they wouldn’t normally do. It was a very underhanded sort of tactic that I think works more than I would like to think.
The Devil, not using the S word, it gives him too much power, doesn’t seem to understand that I will never purposely break someone up just to further some intention someone seems to have about me. What I don’t get is why he is so focused on getting me with Deacon. He is a spiritual guy, the guru, the one everyone follows to find Christ. My moral compass has always been straight north, true north. I have been that way my entire life. The darkside never appealed to me. I must have some strong upper level beings (probably God) that are directly connected to me keeping me on the straight and narrow. Being evil was never in my gene pool and never something I would ever do on purpose.
When I ferreted out the truth, I finally got him to leave me alone. I had not felt the connection with Deacon all week. We do have a weak energetic connection. It’s a friendly connection. It’s an even, nice buzzy feeling. There is another deacon at church that I think might secretly be Electric Man in disguise. That guy has some amazing personal power. It about blows me out of the room every time I see him. I think he has a lot to teach people about being true to themselves, but I digress.
When I finally got away from Mr. D, then Mr T (aka Trump) started appearing in the readings again. There is some connection here I am not getting. Now Jax is on Team Trump. Or maybe he has been all along and I just didn’t know it. This group that I keep seeing them be a part of, Truth Inc., I think this is a Trump group, or somehow associated with him. It is partly about truth and partly about saving kids and elderly from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse). Somehow the three of us, Me, Jax and Noah (aka Deacon) have some important part in this, whatever “this” is.
I still do get stuff about the Gods. Not sure what is up with that. What is the real connection here? They all seem to favor Deacon too. (The guy’s just popular.) Uranus and Gaia keep coming up in my tarot readings. I figure something is going down since I am getting stuff non stop. Even Northman is P.O.-ed since I favor Jax over him. Aren’t they the same person? Why are these people boggling my mind? Northman tells me he is going to show me the difference between he and Jax soon. That should prove to be an interesting conversation.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Diary Entry 29 - Sequences and Rituals
Diary Entry 29 - Sequences and Rituals
This morning I had an odd dream, it felt more like a remembrance than an actual dream. I was with a family, I assume my family. This might have been a memory flash from the past. We were out at dawn, the entire family, and we had overcome some sort of hardship that put us all through the ringer. We were there at the water's edge to offer thanks to Father Sky and Mother Earth. Two blonde-headed children waded into the water about to their ankles and one was holding a huge golden cup. The other was grasping a large golden pentacle. They grasped their hands and raised their objects as the sun rose beginning the day. I could feel the peace that this family received by performing this ritual. The objects looked expensive and ceremonial but I wasn’t certain of what religion they were. It felt very nature based.As this ceremony came to an end I got a flash of a very faded portrait of JFK. What would he have to do with this?
I think this is just telling me to be thankful even when nothing at all is going on in your world. Be respectful of your place in the world and who has provided it for you. It reminds me of a bible verse.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” -- Hebrews 12: 28-29
I think I received this vision because Mr. Pendulum was telling me to connect to Gaia and learn her secrets. I am still getting that whole slideshow of past lives in my third eye every morning but I seem to be psychically connected to someone for a long period of time during the night. I assume it is Jax. That connection seems to only be getting stronger by the day. Not sure what is going on but something has definitely changed between us lately. Hopefully this means there might be a chance for us in the future. I am crossing my fingers it is a romantic connection but if all he can offer is friendship, I’ll take what I can get. It is not like my heart is looking anywhere else for love.
I thought I’d tell you a bit about the number sequence info I was getting. It might just relate to the tarot because this is where I noticed the sequences. I had gotten 3 different 5 cards in a hand of five cards and thought that might have something to tell me. Then later, I had three 9s sitting right next to one another in a spread. I felt it might mean something significant so I asked about it. Here are what the numbers mean:
1- Opportunities
2 - Fighting
3 - Turn right
4 - Open main pathway
5 - Open doorways
6 - Universal authentic language
7 - You need to pray
8 - Points to importing saving devices
9 - Means rain.
I am not certain this means anything at all but I thought it was interesting. And FYI, it did rain during the period of the reading where I got the 3 nine cards in a row
If you want to know about number sequences, you definitely need to check out Tom Numbers and Negative48. These guys really know their stuff and it is just amazing to listen to. Tom’s YouTube channel is called Psych Club.
Monday, August 23, 2021
Diary Entry 28 - Orphans of God
Diary Entry 28 - Orphans of God
I had another dream last night. I assume I was driving home from work since I was on the road to my house. As I passed the park entrance I came upon what looked like a wedding. Both sides of the street were lined with flowers and people dressed in baby blue, gray and white wedding attire. The procession of them went almost from the park entrance to just before where you would turn off to my road. As I got closer I felt uncomfortable. Shouldn't there be a sign or something? Can I just drive through this? I didn’t want to mess up someone’s wedding. When I got to the end of the procession of people and flowers, I told one of the men that maybe they should put up a sign to prevent people from driving through. When I bypassed them all I realized I was now walking. Where did my car go? I turned around and the wedding party and all the flowers were gone. Weird. I saw my car about halfway back and went to get it and return home. When I got there I found the garage door wide open. That never happens. And dad’s car was gone. Where was Dad? In the place of Dad’s car were two arcs of small rocks lining the driveway as if they were tire tread impressions, the same width as the car’s wheelbase.
Let's see if I can ferret out the meaning of this little dream. I was coming home (place I am comfortable and secure) from work (a place I am productive, fruitful and provide for myself). I was driving down a road (life path) and came across a wedding (new beginnings or transitions in life). Looking for a sign. When I pass this and look back (thinking or experiencing the past) I find my car (how I travel through the world, can be my mind or body) get in and drive home. The garage door (places of inactivity) is open (accessable). Rocks can mean obstacles to be overcome.
Let's simplify this a bit. Moving from a place of productivity to comfort I come upon a transition, a new beginning along my life path. I need a sign to help me move forward. I look back, reviewing past experiences and find my way to move forward again toward comfort and security. As I arrive there another new opportunity is available for me to pursue. This is an activity that has been inactive or stagnant for a long time. Looks like there will be obstacles to overcome, small ones, but a new life path is beginning to form for me. Interesting! What a long and winded description for such a short dream.
Topic change. I have been receiving various odd things about Deacon/Apollo. Mr Pendulum informs me that Apollo wants to parade me in front of the Gods on Olympus. Heaven knows why. I get the impression that Apollo is a bit of a bad boy. He doesn’t always do things the way the Gods think he should and may not always be on the side of good. I get a real waffling feeling about him. Mr. Pendulum has been asking me to vary my route to work and stay close to Dad. He said Dad was a Russian officer. (Really? We have to go there again? They are going to kick me out of the Sherlockian society for sure.) I just get the overall idea they (oh the mysterious they) think I am in danger.
Mr. Pendulum told me to pray to Gaia and have her protect me. I got a weird impression that they all, the Greek Gods, think that Gaia is missing or hidden. Maybe earth is cloaked from them or something. Mr. Pendulum wants me to learn Gaia’s ways. She actually wants me to spend more time outside and limit my inside activities. Boy that will be a hard habit to break.
I got the intel that I am an Orphan of God. Strangely enough, I also had the Orphaned card fly out when I was doing a reading about Jax. Are we both orphans? It said that I was the child of Gaia and Wooded Man. I assume they mean Pallas. They like to mix us up when talking about each other. I felt a bit of a relief to learn this news at first since I was having a bit of a brain freeze trying to understand how I could possibly be in love with my father on another plane of existence, Triton, aka Northman, aka Jax.
Then this morning I learned the real shocker. Wooded Man isn’t who I think it is. He is Satan! (You have got to be kidding me!) Mr Pendulum said I would have to go through some tough lessons, but this is a bit over the top for me. Gaia, what in the heck were you thinking? I am going to have to sit with this for a while and see how I feel about it. Lots of mental processing to do.
I did get a bunch of info about sequential numbers and what they mean. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Diary Entry 27 - It Just Won't Die
Diary Entry 27 - It Just Won't Die
Even though I stopped writing on this story, it won't leave me alone. (Tom Numbers would say: IT WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE 211, THE ARC OF THE COVENANT 211). Mr Pendulum keeps telling me things about how Trump knew me as a kid and I was somehow inserted into my family when I was ten because I needed to be secreted away and hidden. I was going to try and keep away from the Greek God stuff and the Waters Royalty, but it won't relent. It is being very obnoxious. This stuff just won't die. That is why I am writing it down, to get it out of my head.
I dreamed about mom again last night. I was in a restaurant. The building itself was unfamiliar but the waitress is a person I know. I think I was there with Dad but am not quite sure. I didn't actually see him. Mom came in and told me "they" (oh, that mysterious, they again) had no choice but to let her come back due to my story. Then she thanked me. As we were talking I realized she was wearing what I can only describe as a Russian Intelligence Officer uniform. Weird. When I asked Mr Pendulum about it, all he would say was Russian sleeper agent.
What? I was happy she was back but this totally puts a whole different spin on things, doesn't it?.
If I think about the dream symbology, it says I am in a nurturing mind space during the dream. Moms nurture their kids. Restaurants are how we are feeding our mind and soul. How healthy have your thoughts been? I have to admit I have had Jax on my mind and still wonder if he will show up out of the blue. I realize I am just kidding myself but it doesn't keep my mind from going there. I told the waitress I know who worked there, Joy, about mom being back and she ran over to see her. Waitresses in this scenario could be like guides who listen to your requests and bring you what you ask for. I have been subconsciously been asking for mom to return (okay, consciously too) but she came back as a Russian Sleeper Agent.
Russian can mean foreign, different, unfamiliar. Sleeper is being asleep, unknowing, hidden from view. Agents secretly gather information, figure out connections and report to superiors. I can only say this is some sort of hidden Intel from a foreign, not known to me, source that is revealing new connections that have previously been hidden from me.
I find it hard to believe that my parents have been Russian Sleeper agents my entire life. How weird would that be? My parents are secret spies and my favorite topic to write about is spies? Too weird. Don't you think I'd see some sort of sign that something not normal was afoot? Me the Sherlockian of the family would like to think you couldn't hide that from me.
Mr Pendulum likes to tell me odd facts. Did you know Pallas, aka me, is a star being historian? Cool, eh? No wonder I am so interested in mythology. And Deacon, aka Apollo, is a star being power source. (See, he gets the cool powers.) My purpose is to regenerate the Gods and he powers it.
Jax is part of a Nostradamus group whose purpose is to prepare humanity for a savior rising. (Where would you find such a group of you wanted to join, I mean, really!) Seems really deep, doesn't it? Jax is here to pour a gracious value on mankind. His power is to really wake up humanity. We all make a strange trifecta, don't we?
Here are a few tidbits about Jax's group. Puget Sound and Vermont. Not sure what two points on opposite sides of the USA have to do with this. There is also a nodal point in southern Maine but who knows what that means.
Apparently, it all points to a ripple wave that starts with me and Jax, on a higher level. Maybe that just means Pallas and Northman. I get the feeling the 3D me is just an observer. And Pallas does all the hard work on another plane of existence. Which poses the question, why am I so protected? I have heard I am a conduit. Not sure what that means exactly. Do you think if someone harmed me in the 3D it would effect her?
This whole thing is about a vibrational package we are energetically unpacking. Jax makes the package and I open it. Sounds a lot like Pandora, doesn't it? I just looked it up, yep, she is a Greek God too. All the gods each gave her unique gifts. They call her all-knowing and gifted. Somehow she is also connected to mother earth too. You don't think, do you? Me and her? Nah!
This is all to prepare us for a shockwave the higher ones trigger. Just in case you were interested "higher ones" are Apollo and the Greek Gods. Sounds like we are getting close to something big, doesn't it?
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Diary Entry 26 - Signing out
Diary Entry 26 - Signing out
Interesting morning. I awoke to what looked like a shining star pulsating in my third eye. It was all buzzy feeling again so it could have a correlation. Then I saw an image of what I thought of as cupid. The name Eros came to mind. He appeared over the star and a heart was superimposed over him. I wasn’t sure if that was just cementing the fact it was cupid or cupid was putting out a vibration, a pulse of love energy. Then in my mind's eye, I saw the club image on the ace of wands come alive and animate. It turned into a bugle-like object and an angel blew it. Then I saw the soulmate card and two people grasped hands and raised them above their heads linked and then walked toward the sun. As I write this I realize how truly prophetic that little image slideshow in my mind’s eye was.
Yesterday, something changed. Suddenly Limon Brothers was sold and there was no more Deacon God (Not even sure what that meant) and the spellcast on my room was closed. The pendulum assured me that if I needed to get info to the Trump team that they could hear me. I only needed to speak. I asked if this was a satellite technology and the answer came back yes.
The pendulum was also telling me about a Northman prophecy. The part they revealed was about healing Deacon. And this collapse of Limon Brothers was the first step, I figured.
I asked what happened to Limon Brothers and they told me Trump was suddenly inspired to buy it. (Don’t tell me he is reading this stuff. Isn’t he too busy for that?) It said Deacon had no more job with them. (Wait. Did he work for them? How did I miss this? I thought the person who worked for Limon was Jax.)
Topic change.
Is it just me or do you feel that really depressed energy that makes you want to cry. I was feeling that today. Like the collective was getting ready to experience something sad. Maybe it was just me. I think Eros cleansed my heart and I realized that I needed to stop waiting for love to come in for me. Mr Pendulum told me that I would have to go after love if I wanted it. I guess I am just being stubborn because if you were left out in the cold in the past, you want the new guy to pursue you, wouldn't you?
I think I am slowing down on this story and want to say a brief farewell. Here is a sight
wrap up of some intel I received recently. I did get a bit of a Rapture message but that was probably because they spoke about that on Sunday at church. The message was this: Welcome home, friend. God is with you. Soon the Trump will sound and the faithful shall arise.
I had always heard that the dead in Christ shall arise. I think I understand what this is telling me. Despite what I have always learned, when the Trump sounds, the work has just begun. If you were God, you wouldn’t take all those faithful ones away and let the rest of the world fend for themselves, would you? God said things were going to get messy and scary. You would need all those faithful as a support team to help the others. You don’t leave a man behind when he has fallen do you?
If you were God, would you want your people to suffer with no one there to use as an example of how to be a faithful servant? Seems silly to me. I know that goes against what the bible says but I can’t help but feel this is what this message from God is telling me.
I do have an idea what the “dead in Christ” are. I think this is where the movie Trump has been airing comes into play. What if Trump didn’t let all those elderly people die from C19. What if all those people who supposedly died aren’t really dead but somewhere else and protected against the Deep State baddies. I don’t know. This just seems way over my head and out of my league. I understand it is an important part of history and all but I feel like I am done and ready to move on.
I have heard that I was going to be transformed into the true Pallas but how does one really take that? Apparently fire and wind respect me, not sure what that means either. I just get various stuff these days and am just too tired to put my mind on how to ferret out the answers. I hope all turns out well with this tribulation stuff, cause as God said, it is gonna be messy and scary. Good luck to us all.
If you have any input for me, I’d be glad to hear it. Here is the Last Pallas signing out.
You can email me here: tonispywriter@gmail.com