Thursday, August 25, 2022

Still Faithful - Chapter 4 - "So Close"


Chapter 4: Ross — “So Close”

Song featured in this chapter is “So Close” by Amanda Cook and Brandon Lake

Ross Strong was touring around North Point where he was soon to take up the deacon position they had currently open. He had done six months of interim work over at Compass Point before they closed which made him sad. There had been so much promise in that church and their old pastor had practically killed it with a few desperate actions. Ross had been on the pastor search committee at Compass Point calling that pastor, and he wondered how such a sly man had passed through all their security checks. As a police officer, it gave him pause and made him more diligent in his own job as a result.

Not many lights were on in the North Point building since only a few rooms were being utilized on this day. He could hear Norman in the sanctuary practicing with Dek Fox. The two would make a great team. Both were musicians and singers. Lots of talented people in their midsts. Faith being one of them. He prayed a majority of the congregation would transition with the staff but he knew a few would make other choices. And he would definitely miss the old church. It had felt like home. He hoped this church would elicit such a response to him. Only time would tell.

As he entered the sanctuary, both Dek and Norman were on stage singing. Dek on his acoustic guitar and Norman playing the keyboard. They had just started into a song the three of them had been considering adding to their current rotation of songs called “So Close.” He could see Faith standing just beyond the stage lights amidst the seats and worshiping to the song. In her hand was a microphone Brady the sound tech had just handed her. She barely noticed him put it into her hand. He sat in the booth gesturing to Ross to pick up the microphone he had laid on the counter next to the mixing board.

He grabbed the mic as Faith walked onto stage as if in a worshipful trance and began to sing the female lead to “So Close.” Ross approached from stage right and stood behind Faith as she began the chorus. Ross sang a harmony part softly behind her.

Heaven's closer than it's ever been

I can feel You so close, so, so close

When it feels like my world's caving in

Oh, God, I need You so close, so, so close

Ross could totally relate to the lyrics as could both Faith and Norman. Their worlds had all been caving in for awhile now. He wasn’t certain about Dek but the song seemed to be speaking to them all.

Faith leaned back and her back hit Ross’ chest. As she turned to look at him their eyes connected and for the first time the bond he had always felt with Faith shone in her eyes. And suddenly the lyrics took on a personal tone. Norman and Dek exchanged glances as the two of them finished the song with a flourish.

“Wow,” Norman gasped. “I think this convergence of our churches is going to be a blessing in disguise.” He wiped his brow. “Did you feel that? So powerful.”

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